Razbijanje stvari ni nikoli zabavno in pogosto pomeni, da nekaj vržete pred svojim časom. V smeti boste morda imeli napolnjene skodelice za čaj, okvirje za slike, pohištvo ali druge običajne gospodinjske predmete.
Nasprotno, obstaja veliko različnih projektov, ki jih lahko naredite s tistimi zlomljenimi predmeti in ustvarite osupljiv d cor za notranjost in zunaj, vse od stvari, za katere morda mislite, da so smeti. Zbrali smo seznam 100 različnih projektov, ki zahtevajo te pokvarjene predmete ali običajno gospodinjsko smeti.
Ponovna postavitev je odličen način, da stvari odstranite s smetišča in svojemu domu malo spodbudite d cor. Ti projekti so sorazmerno enostavni, vzamejo malo časa in najboljše, omogočajo vam, da ta smeti popolnoma spremenite v nekaj koristnega.
Zgrabite svoj pokvarjen gospodinjski predmet in si oglejte različne načine, kako jih boste lahko oživeli. Veste, kaj pravijo Eno dekle s smeti je drugo dekle zaklad.
Založeni okvir slike zavijte v držalo za uhane
Ko razbijete (ali pa vaši otroci ali hišni ljubljenčki) razberejo kozarec iz okvirja za slike, ga ne bačite. Namesto tega ga uporabite za ustvarjanje čudovitega in zelo funkcionalnega zaslona za uhane. Potrebovali boste nekaj žice (slikovna žica deluje zelo dobro), da obesite svoje uhane. Preprosto potegnite žico čez okvir in nato obesite uhane. To je odlična ideja za darilo za dekleta vseh starosti in lahko poganjate toliko žic, s čimer naredite toliko nivojev, kot želite. Če imate daljše uhane, ki visijo, naredite daljše stopnje.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Kevinandamanda
Ustvarite Play kuhinjo iz Broken Entertainment Center
Namesto da bi stari zabavni center odvlekli na smetišče, vzemite nekaj ur in ga spremenite v čudovito kuhinjo za igranje za svojo deklico. Središče ne sme biti v popolnem stanju, saj lahko okrepite karkoli, kar potrebuje, in vsekakor je pričakovati, da bo vsekakor imel veliko teže. Samo malo barve in domišljije sta resnično vse, kar morate stare oči spremeniti v nekaj, od česar bo vsaka deklica dobila ure užitka. Plus, it sa odličen prostor za shranjevanje vseh, ki se igrajo kuharske igrače.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Diynetwork
Ustvari center za recikliranje s staro košarico
Če imate precej veliko košaro, ki se zdi, da se po šivih razpada, lahko košaro ponovno postavite v odličen center za recikliranje. Košarica res ne sme imeti ničesar, tako da so luknje v dnu popolnoma v redu. Koš za odpadke preprosto položite v pleteno košaro za recikliranje in nato nalepke, tako da veste, kam vse gre. Ne samo, da vam to pomaga, da to raztrgano košaro dobro izkoristite, saj vam daje resnično privlačno mesto za shranjevanje reciklažnih materialov.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Bhg
Ustvari nove poletne jakne iz Old Ones
Namesto, da bi vrgli tiste puloverje, ko se trakovi sprostijo in jih ne moreš držati skupaj, razmisli, da iz njih ustvariš vse nove čevlje. S samo malo tkanine lahko naredite te čudovite pletene jakne, ki so kot nalašč za poletje in vam omogočajo, da obdržite te stare čevlje, tudi ko so videti, kot da so pripravljeni za koš za smeti. Pletene trakove lahko naredite celo iz starih majic ali drugih oblačil, ki imajo luknje in jih je treba vreči ven, tako da je to dvojna ocena.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Makeit-loveit
Stekleničke za dojenčke z losjonom zavijte v polnilne postaje za mobilne telefone
Steklenice za otroški losjon se običajno nagibajo v smeti, ko so prazne. Konec koncev, kaj bi lahko naredili s temi praznimi stekleničkami? Izdelate lahko resnično priročno polnilno postajo za mobilni telefon, ki preprečuje, da bi bili kabli zunaj. Z malo tkanine, nekaj rezanja in malo časa lahko to resnično priročno polnilno postajo za mobilni telefon, ki drži telefon in kabel takoj poleg vtičnika, s čimer prihranite prostor in kabel ne leži tla (kar je mimogrede slabo mesto, če imate hišne ljubljenčke).
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Makeit-loveit
Naredite svetlobne napeljave iz starih žičnih košar
Namesto da bi stare žične košare poslali na smetišče, tudi ko so popolnoma dotrajane, jih spremenite v resnično privlačne svetlobne napeljave. Tudi če imajo košare žice, ki so se razrahljale, ali imajo na dnu luknje, jih lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje svetlobnih napeljav, navdahnjenih z antropologijo, ki bodo v kuhinji videti odlično. Košaro morate samo pripraviti in nato povezati z lučjo za obesek. Lahko ga predhodno pobarvate tako, da ustreza vašem dekorju kuhinje, če želite, ali pa ga preprosto pustite takšnega, kot je.
Navodila za nalaganje in projektno posojilo - Ashleyannfotografija
Uporabite lomljene lončke kot vrtne označevalce
Če imate lončke iz terakote, ki se nekoliko obrabijo, vam jih ni treba metati. Uporabite jih lahko za izdelavo čudovitih vrtnih markerjev. To celo deluje, če imate samo en lonec, ki je pokvarjen. Vzemite si le nekaj kosov in s čarobnim markerjem napišite imena svojih rož, zelišč ali zelenjave, da se bo zmagalo, da se lahko odlepijo ali pa ste resnično kreativni in na njih naslikajte imena (na njih lahko ustvarite malo umetnine tudi). Če imate več starih loncev, ki niso primerni za sajenje, jih uporabite, da označite vse na svojem vrtu.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - trdo gospodinje
Stari kovček spremenite v prijetno klop
Všeč mi je vse o tem projektu preobrazbe pohištva! Navodila so preprosta in če vam uspe dobiti enega od teh starih oblačil za poceni, je to obvezen projekt!
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Grillo Design
Zajeto Terra Cotta zavijte v buče
Te stare lomljene plantaže terakote lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje čudovitih buč. To lahko dejansko storite s poljubnim številom keramike, zato če imate pokrite krožnike ali krožnike, jih uporabite tudi. Izdelati morate le majhne koščke in nato sestaviti mozaični videz na penasto kroglico. To je tudi odličen projekt za božič, samo praznične barve lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje okrasnih. Izdelati jih je res enostavno in premagajte le te smetane sadilnike in krožnike v smeti.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Craftsncoffee
Ustvarite umetnost z razpokanimi ploščami
Namesto da bi takoj vrgli tiste razpokane krožnike, zakaj jih ne bi spremenili v umetnost, ki jo lahko prikažete na steni svoje kuhinje ali jedilnice? To je odličen projekt za plošče, ki so dejansko razdeljene na dva ali več kosov. Najbrž jih ne želite zlepiti, če so le-ti zdrobljeni, če pa imate le nekaj večjih kosov, jih lahko lepite na ta način in jih uporabite za okrasitev sten. It sa res odličen projekt za starejše jedi, ki se ga enostavno ne moreš znebiti, tudi ko se pokvarijo.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - Domače življenje
Naredite si ptičjo kopel z razpokanimi sadilniki in krožniki
Uporabite tiste razpokane sejalnice za terakoto in tiste zlomljene ali razpokane plošče, da ustvarite čudovito ptičjo kopel za svoj vrt. Uporabite lahko sadilnike različnih velikosti, tako da, če imate več poškodovanih, je to odličen način, da jih ponovno postavite. Preprosto jih morate pobarvati (če želite), da bodo nekoliko edinstveni in nato sestavljeni. Všeč vam bo, da boste tiste razpokane krožnike in sadilnike bolje uporabljali, ptice pa vas bodo vzljubile tudi zaradi tega.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - Patriciaspots
Naredite torbo za večkratno uporabo iz polomljenih dežnikov
Ko se kovina v dežniku zlomi, je običajno čas za smeti. Zdaj pa lahko tkanino iz tega senčnika uporabite za ustvarjanje teh zelo lepo zložljivih vrečk za večkratno uporabo. Vključeno je malo šivanja, a na splošno je te majhne vrečke zelo enostavno ustvariti in se zložiti v zvitek, tako da jih lahko potegnete s seboj kamor koli. Te so odlične za improvizirana nakupovalna potovanja, ko potrebujete torbo za večkratno uporabo, da lahko stvari nosite domov. So tako majhni, da lahko eno shraniš v torbici in je nikoli ne veš.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Untrendylife
Naredite kroglice iz lomljenih steklenic
Verjetno bi normalno vrgli zlomljeno steklenico. Saj ne smeš. S to metodo lahko namesto tega ustvarite čudovite steklene kroglice. Nato lahko s kroglicami izdelate poljubno število drugih obrti od nakita do pihala ali kar koli želite. Upoštevajte, da je to lahko nevarno plovilo, zato vedno bodite previdni in zaščitite oči pred steklenimi drobci. Če pa ga lahko obesite, ni omejitev, kaj bi lahko ustvarili iz teh starih steklenic.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - navodila
Naredite dve pisalni mizi iz zdrobljene mize
Če imate kuhinjsko mizo, ki je opraskana, zlomljena ali kako drugače poškodovana, ali takšno, ki jo preprosto ne potrebujete več, jo ne vrzite ven. Namesto tega ga uporabite za ustvarjanje dveh čudovitih stenskih miz, ki bodo zagotovo hit pri vašem domu. Res ne potrebujete samega središča mize, tako da je to odličen projekt za mize, ki so na sredini resnično poškodovane. Končne odseke preprosto odrežete, pobarvate ali obarvate in jih nato pritrdite na steno.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - Migonishome
Naredite si čajne lučke iz plastenk
Ok, zato se pokrovčki steklenic res ne pokvarijo, ko jih vržete ven, vendar jih je vsekakor mogoče zamenjati. Z njimi lahko ustvarite čudovite svečke, ki so primerne za takrat, ko potrebujete veliko sveč (pomislite na poroke ali druge večje dogodke). Preprosto morate očistiti pokrovčke steklenice, dodati stenj in nato naliti nekaj voska. Vosek dejansko prihaja iz staljenih barvic, tako da je to dvojna ocena. Te pokrovčke steklenic ne smete držati na smetišču in imate nekaj, kar lahko storite s temi starimi polomljenimi barvčki.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Austinweddingblog
Naredite nove barvice iz Broken Ones
Namesto da bi vrgli tiste polomljene bojice, iz njih naredite nove mavrične barvice. To je tako preprost projekt in otroci bodo popolnoma marali te mavrične barvice. Potrebujete nekaj pločevinke za pločevinke, prazne steklenice na recept ali tiste male plastične kanistre, ki jih priloži film, in nekaj zlomljenih barv. Rakice v bistvu topite v pločevinkah (poskrbite, da jih najprej temeljito očistite) in nato nalijete v steklenice, dokler se ne nastavijo. Pajkice so popolne velikosti in jih lahko naredite v toliko barvah, kolikor želite, odvisno od tega, koliko lomljenih barv imate.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Momtastic
Uporabite pokvarjene plošče za podlago
Medtem ko si zagotovo želite razbiti plošče na svojem dejanskem dvorišču, jih lahko uporabite namesto mulčenja, da določenim površinam dodate malo barve. Namesto, da napolnite svoja drevesa z mulčenjem ali kamenčki, na primer uporabite lomljene plošče ali lončke za terakoto. Lahko jih naredite v eni barvi, da bodo videti res elegantno, ali pa jih zmešate za videz, ki je bolj zabaven in navdušujoč. It sa veliko cenejši od mulčenja in grahovega gramoza in bo dal resnično edinstven videz na vaših vrtnih površinah.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - apartmaterapija
Kot vrtni rob uporabite lomljene plošče
Zlomljene krožnike in krožnike lahko uporabite kot robnike za vrtne površine in drevesa. Če imate staro porcelan, s katerim se preprosto ne morete sprijazniti, uporabite te plošče, da ustvarite čudovito obrobo vrtnih površin. Plošče, ki so razpokane ali razrezane, lahko razbijete na pol (seveda previdno) in nato polovice preprosto zataknete v tla. Lahko uporabite iste barve ali jih malo zmešate. To vam pomaga skrbeti za te plošče in vam nudi zelo poceni, a hkrati čudovit rob za vaše najljubše zunanje prostore.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Wondermom
Spremenite staro knjigo v umetniško knjigo
Če imate stare knjige (veste, tiste s pol strani manjkajo), vam jih ni treba metati. Dejansko lahko s starimi knjigami s trdimi platnicami ustvarite res lepo in resnično funkcionalno umetniško knjigo, v kateri so vse umetniške potrebščine vašega otroka. Te so odlične za potovanja, saj zavzamejo malo prostora, poleg tega pa imajo zelo eleganten ročaj za enostavno prenašanje. Potrebujete malo tkanine, da naredite držala za svinčnike ali barvice in nato ročaj in, seveda, material za umetnost.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Cosmocricket
Spremenjene počitek spremenite v Cool Push-Ups
Push-up barvice so nekoliko drage in nakup več barv morda preprosto ni v vašem proračunu. Kateri boljši način, da se znebite tistih starih zlomljenih kovin kot pa s tem, da naredite svoje lastne moške? Hkrati lahko odpravite tudi tiste prazne posode za lepljenje lepila. Lepilne palčke morate očistiti in nato vanj vliti stopljeni moček. Otroci lahko nato po potrebi vrtijo pisala gor in dol. To je odličen projekt, s pomočjo katerega vam bodo otroci pomagali, saj je zelo enostavno in sploh nered.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - infranrantnoaktivno
Polomljeno keramiko spremenite v oblikovalce
Za ustvarjanje čudovitih oblikovalskih sadilnikov lahko uporabite lomljene krožnike, krožnike, čajnike ali skoraj vse podobno. Preprosto uporabite mozaični način, da zdrobljene koščke pritrdite na sajenec Terra cotta z močnim lepilom ali mod podge. To je odličen način, da pokažete svojo ustvarjalnost z ustvarjanjem modelov in vzorcev ali pa jih preprosto postavite tja, kakor želite. Vaši sadilniki bodo edinstveni in lepi in morate stare stare zlomljene posode poslati na smetišče.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - Allfreecrafts
Naredite luči iz pokvarjenih globusov
Se je vaš globus razkadil po šivih? Če ga imate in ga ne želite lepiti ali ga ne morete lepiti, ga uporabite za ustvarjanje teh resnično edinstvenih luči. Te so super za otroke sobe ali bi jih lahko celo imeli v kuhinji, če bi želeli. So hkrati funkcionalni in poučni. Notranjost lahko pobarvate z kontrastno barvo, preden montirate luči, da se resnično izstopajo ali jim pustite svojo naravno barvo. Kakor koli že, te lučke zagotovo sprožijo pogovor.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - navodila
Nalomljene barvice in prazne kozarce zavijte v barvite sveče
Prazni kozarci ali vaze in nekaj zlomljenih barv se običajno končajo na košu za smeti, vendar jih lahko kombinirate in ustvarite resnično barvite sveče. Paličke samo stopite in jih po barvi prelijte po barvi. To lahko storite v starih zidarskih kozarcih za resnično rustikalno svečo ali uporabite kateri koli stekleni kozarec, ki ga nameravate vreči ven. Tako bi ustvarili res lepo darilo, če bi želeli par kombinirati v košarici in potrebujejo zelo malo časa za ustvarjanje.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - Notimeforflashcards
Polomljeni nakit spremenite v nove koščke
Lahko vzamete pokvarjene kose nakita in jih sestavite skupaj, da ustvarite osupljive zapestnice zapestnice in manšete, in res ne bo tako dolgo. Vzemite svoj zlomljeni nakit in nekaj orodij za izdelavo nakita, če jih imate (če jih ne imate, so v vaši lokalni obrtni trgovini res poceni). Izdelate lahko unikatne in zelo kreativne kose, ki ustrezajo vašemu slogu, ali ustvarite nekaj posebnega, da ga podarite kot darilo. Tistih starih kosov kostumskega nakita ni treba metati, ko so se lomili. Samo naredite z njimi nekaj povsem novega.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Hellohydrangea
Ustvarite magnete iz lomljenega nakita
Vzemite stare zlomljene uhane, ogrlice in zapestnice ali broške in iz njih ustvarite čudovite magnete. Želez morate samo prilepiti na magnet in jih nato uporabiti za ohranjanje lepega hladilnika ali oglasnih plošč. Če imate večje kose, potem lahko iz njih naredite magnet ali jih zložite manjše, da ustvarite vzorec, in nato lepite na magnet. Vroče lepilo deluje odlično, da bi dragulje obdržali na magnetih, vaš hladilnik pa bo videti elegantno in osupljivo, ko ga oblečete s starim pokvarjenim kostumskim nakitom.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Livelovediy
Naredite si hranilce ptic iz pokvarjenih čajev
Če imate narezan ali zlomljen čajnik in krožnik, ki ga nameravate metati ven, namesto njih naredite hranilnik ptic. Naredite jih lahko v približno eni uri in potrebujete samo čajnik ali skodelico, krožnik, lepilo, ki je vodoodporno, in nekaj, s čimer obesite podajalnik. Dodajte svoje ptičje seme in ta smeti ste uspešno spremenili v zaklad. Vaše ptice bodo vzljubile svoj nov hranilnik in všeč vam bo preprosta eleganca lepega čajnika in krožnika na vašem dvorišču.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Blogglebeans
Zlomljeni nakit zavijte v omaro
Zlomljene zapestnice, uhani in ogrlice lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje čudovitih vlečnih omaric za kopalnico ali kuhinjo, ne glede na vaše želje. Samo vzameš ta pokvarjen nakit in ga prilepiš na navojni post. Pakete navojnih objav z vijaki lahko dvignete v lokalni trgovini s strojno opremo za približno 1 dolar. Uporabite epoksi lepilo ali nekaj podobnega močnega, da bi dragulje držali na mestu. Večji kosi nakita bodo najbolje delovali ali če imate manjše kose, jih lahko prilepite na podlago in jih nato lepite na podlago.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Threescoopsoflove
Naredite božične okraske z zlomljenimi CD-ji
Ko se CD-ji opraskajo ali čipirajo, ne bodo več delovali pravilno. Namesto, da jih vržete v smeti, jih uporabite za ustvarjanje mini disko krogličnih okraskov, ki lahko okrasijo vaše drevo ob prihodnjem božiču. Morate samo zlomiti CD (ob predpostavki, da je še vedno nedotaknjen) in nato uporabiti pištolo z vročim lepilom, da lepite te kose na steklene okraske. To lahko poskusite tudi s kroglicami iz stiropora, če želite, vendar steklo deluje veliko bolje. S srebrnim CD-jem lahko naredite prozorno steklo ali pokrijete okraske v različnih barvah, da ustvarite resnično barvit videz.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Cremedelacraft
Naredite skodelico Potpourri iz pokvarjenega globusa
Če imate star globus, ki je na nek način pokvarjen, lahko vzamete najboljšo polovico in ustvarite čudovito posodo za prikaz potpourrija ali če pobarvate notranjost, bi jo lahko celo uporabili kot muhasto servirno posodo. Za lepljenje na dno sveta boste potrebovali okroglo leseno ploščo, da bo ohranjena na ravni, ko je polna, vendar jih lahko v majhni trgovini obiščete zelo malo. Ali, če imate kos vezane plošče, ga samo izrežite. Nato preprosto prilepite globus polovico na osnovo in si privoščite odlično posodo. Če sta obe polovici vašega sveta v dobrem stanju, lahko naredite dve skledi.
Navodila za samostojno delo in posojila za projekte - predhodno premišljeni ostanki
Ustvarite nočne omarice iz pokvarjene mize
Če imate staro mizo, ki je pokvarjena, dotrajana ali kako drugače poškodovana, je ne smete vreči ven. Namesto tega ga uporabite za ustvarjanje ustreznih nočnih omaric. Tudi če je zgornji del popolnoma brez popravila, lahko iz mize izdelate nočne omarice, nato pa jih preprosto pospravite z peskom in pobarvate tako, da ustrezajo trenutnemu d corju spalnice. Najbolje se obnese pri pisalnih mizah, ki imajo na vsaki strani enako število predalov, ali pa bi si lahko ustvarili eno stojalo iz pisalne mize, če želite ali če nima nobenih predalov na vsaki strani.
Navodila za samostojno delo in posojilo za projekt - Sugarbeecrafts
Ustvarite francosko klop iz pokvarjenih stolov
Namesto da bi metali tiste stare polomljene jedilne stole, jih vzemite in ustvarite osupljivo francosko navdihnjeno klop. To je eden najelegantnejših projektov za pokvarjeno pohištvo in tudi eden najlažjih. Potrebovali boste dva stola istega sloga in za izdelavo klopi boste morali izdelati lesen box . Nato jo v osnovi pobarvajte ne glede na barvo, ki jo želite (bela barva izgleda zelo elegantno) in ji dodajte lahko blazino. To je odličen sedež za podnožje postelje, vhod ali skoraj kjerkoli drugje v vašem domu in ga lahko naredite tako rekoč za nič (v primerjavi z nakupom takega za sto dolarjev).
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Anoregoncottage
Naredite kul obešalnike iz pokvarjenih stolov
Nasloni iz pokvarjenih stolov lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje zelo edinstvenih in kul obešalnikov. Ležalnike preprosto morate odstraniti (ali jih dvigniti, če se je stol popolnoma razpadel) in nato dodati strojno opremo obešalnika. Čeprav najbrž ne boste želeli narediti tone za polnjenje omare, vam vseeno pomagajo s temi razbitimi stoli, ki so koristni in vam pomagajo, da smeti ne odlagate na odlagališču. Poleg tega so dovolj muhasti, da lahko naredite čudovita darila.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Likecool
Zalomljene stole zavijte v vrtne gugalnice
Stol, ki je izgubil noge, je v jedilnici izredno neuporaben, vendar bi bil kot nalašč za trato - ko ga zavijete. Lahko vzamete stare stole in jih preprosto pobarvate, dodate nekaj strojne opreme in jih obesite s verande ali velikega drevesa na vašem dvorišču. To je odlična ideja za vse, ki imajo nekaj jedilnih stolov, ki jih razmišljajo o metanju ven, ker noge niso trdne. Preprosto jih zavijte v gugalnice, pobarvajte različne svetle barve in z njimi okrasite svojo trato.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Thisdiylife
Obrnite pretrgano kolo v lonec in stojalo za ponev
Za ta projekt ne potrebujete celotnega kolesa, samo kolo. Kolesarska kolesa so popolne velikosti za viseče lončke in ponve, in ker so okrogla, lahko iz njih ustvarite vrtljivo stojalo, tako da bodo vaši lonci in ponve vedno dostopni. Samo obesno okovje morate pritrditi na kolo, da ga lahko pritrdite na strop. Nato dodajte kavlje za svoje lonce in ponve. Tako dobro izkoristite pokvarjena kolesa in dobite nekoliko organizacije v kuhinji.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - navodila
Naredite si otroško posteljico iz pokvarjenih koles
To niti približno ni tako težko, kot se sliši. Kolesa dejansko ne obesite, lahko pa s kolesom pokvarjenega kolesa naredite odličen mobilni telefon. Krog je pravzaprav popoln za obliko, napere na kolesu pa so odlične za obešanje stvari. To bi bila tudi odlična ideja za projekte sončnega sistema, ko bi morali imeti planete, sonce in Luno zaporedoma obešene. Okrogla oblika omogoča, da se mobilnik brez težav vrti in dodate lahko karkoli, kar želite pritegniti pozornost vašega malčka. Lahko bi celo postavili glasbeno škatlo, če bi želeli.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Numinationavenue
Sestavite požarno jamo iz pokvarjenega pralnega stroja
Za ta projekt dejansko ne potrebujete celotnega pralnega stroja - samo notranji boben. Za dvorišče lahko zgradite veliko jamo za požar in del varilca shranite, da se hkrati ne konča na smetišču. Uporabiti boste morali visoko toplotno barvo in v to je vloženo malo dela, vendar ne skoraj toliko, kot se vam zdi. Pralni boben vam daje popolno obliko, tako da bo vaša jama za požare popolna in je zelo enostavno ustvariti. Predstavljajte si samo zabavo, ki jo boste sedeli ob ognju ob hladnih nočeh in prihranili malo smeti, medtem ko to počnete.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - apartmaterapija
Zalomek z oblačili zavijte v police
Če imate pokvarjen predalnik, lahko s predali naredite čudovite police z zemljevidi. To je super, če imate predalnik, ki ga spreminjate v nekaj drugega in res ne potrebujete vseh predalov. Zemljevid lahko dodate na dno predala in ga nato obesite na steno, da ustvarite polico v senčniku, ki bo vsebovala malo zbirateljstva. To je tako preprost projekt in ne potrebuje, da je predal v popolni obliki, tako da tudi če dno odpade, lahko ustvarite te police, namesto da bi starega komoda vtaknili v smeti.
Navodila za nalaganje in projektno posojilo - Olivebites
Zlomljene lestve zavijte v police s knjigami
Polomljene lestve zagotovo niso nekaj, kar želite še naprej uporabljati. Če imate staro leseno lestev, ki preprosto ni več varna za uporabo, je ne vržite takoj. Namesto tega ga razstavite in oba odseka uporabite kot ujemajoče se police s knjigami. S tistimi starimi odseki lestvic lahko ustvarite odličen rustikalni videz in jih obesite na steno ali pa jih preprosto prislonite ob steno (ob predpostavki, da jih stegnete, seveda). Na vsaki lestvi bo v njej shranjene knjige, zbirateljstvo ali skoraj vse drugo, kar potrebujete.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - komajda merjeno
Zlomljen boben pralnega stroja zavijte v mizo za kavo
Če imate radi industrijski videz ali želite samo mizo za kavo, ki je zabavna in edinstvena, vzemite boben iz svojega pokvarjenega pralnega stroja in ga pospravite v mizo. Vrh lahko prekrijete z okroglim kosom stekla (ki ga želite izrezati) in nato v notranjosti shranite stvari ali ustvarite majhen učinek senčnika. Možnosti za to so neskončne. Če želite, lahko uporabite tudi leseno površino ali vgradite osvetlitev, tako da vaša mizica za kavo pomaga pri osvetlitvi dnevne sobe.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - navodila
Zlomljen kovček zavijte v mizo
Polomljen kovček (težki vintage) vam verjetno ne bo pomagal, če si ne boste vzeli časa, da ga spremenite v nekaj resnično koristnega. Z dodajanjem nog v kovček lahko ustvarite odlično mizo, ki je kot nalašč za dnevno sobo ali nogo postelje. Stvari lahko shranite v kovčku, tako da je odlična za urejanje prostora in ima zelo čist starinski videz, ki je kot nalašč za tiste, ki imajo radi tovrstno opremo.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Designsponge
Zamenjajte zlomljen klavir v delovno mizo
Imate stari klavir, ki ne deluje več? Če ga želite poslati na odlagališče, ne. Z njim lahko ustvarite malo prostora za shranjevanje in organizacijo. Stari pokončni klavir je popolne velikosti in oblike za skrito delovno mizo. Nekaj strojne opreme boste morali odstraniti iz klavirja, da boste naredili prostor za orodje in podobno, vendar je to super za garaže ali delavnice in veliko manj drago kot odhod in nakup klopi. Poleg tega klavirska klop deluje odlično za shranjevanje knjig in revij.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Core77
Zlomljene vintage kovčke zavijte v postelje za hišne ljubljenčke
Vaš smeti bi lahko bil dejansko zaklad vašega ljubljenčka. Če imate star zlomljen starinski kovček, lahko svojemu malemu psu ali mački naredite čudovito posteljo iz tega kovčka. V bistvu morate samo odstraniti vrh (da se ne zapre na vaši mali kožuhi) in nato dodati posodo za posteljo. Dodate lahko tudi noge in če imate več kot enega hišnega ljubljenčka, ki potrebuje posteljo, uporabite zgornji in spodnji del, da naredite dve postelji. To je res čist in zelo enostaven projekt, ki bo zagotovo ugajal vašim hišnim ljubljenčkom in vam bo dodal tudi malo dodanega vintage dekorja.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Chaoticallycreative
Boben pralnega stroja zavijte v čist stolček
Iz razbitega pralnega stroja vzemite boben, dodajte nekaj nadeva in imate popoln majhen stolček. Vanj lahko dodate tudi kotalne noge z kolesi, da mu dodate nekaj posebnega. Sredino lahko napolnite s polnjenjem ali pomislite na to, da bi ustvarili vrh, ki bi prekrival veliko luknjo v bobnu. Na vrhu dodajte sedežni polnilnik in ga odstranite, tako da lahko notranjost uporabite za shranjevanje. To je super za otroke. Njihove knjige za barvanje ali druge igrače lahko hranite v notranjosti in na njih lahko sedejo, medtem ko se igrajo.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Espritcabane
Obrnite to zlomljeno kad v kavč
Res? Kavč iz stare kadilne noge za noge? Vsekakor. To je nekoliko bolj zapleteno kot nekateri predvajajoči projekti, vendar bi bilo tako vredno, da ustvarite ta čudovit in eleganten kavč iz stare keramične ali železne kadi. Samo izrežite sprednjo stran, da naredite prostor za kavč, dodate nadev in nato po želji pobarvate. Če imate staro kad, ki ga nameravate metati ven, poskusite namesto tega ustvariti ta osupljiv kavč. Uporabite ga lahko v spalnici, dnevni sobi ali kjer koli potrebujete malo dodatnega sedeža.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Greenmoxie
Zlomljeno srebrno posodo zavijte v rastlinske markerje
Tiste stare upognjene ali zlomljene žlice in vilice ne bo treba metati. Namesto tega razmislite o tem, da bi jih spremenili v ročno odtisnjene rastlinske markerje. To je res prijeten projekt, ki ne odstrani le tiste stare srebrne posode, ampak vam nudi resnično vrtno in rustikalno videti vrtno površino. Ta enostaven postopek dejansko vtisne imena navzdol v kovino, tako da bo videti, kot da ste imeli izdelane označevalce po meri, ko jih v resnici lahko ustvarite sami iz srebrne posode, ki je bila pripravljena za smeti.
Navodila za nalaganje in projektno posojilo - Mossymossy
Naredite čudovito stojalo za televizor iz polomljenega kovčka
Namesto, da starega komoda odvržete, ko predali ne delujejo pravilno, ga spremenite v elegantno TV stojalo. Lahko vzamete prve tri predale in druge uporabite za shranjevanje filmov, CD-jev ali dodatkov za sistemski sistem. Z malo brušenja, barve in nekaj ur lahko ustvarite zabaviščni center, ki je videti, kot da ste plačali bogastvo, a vas dejansko stane le nekaj dolarjev. To lahko storite tudi za spalnice, preostale predale pa uporabite kot predale, če želite.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - Domesticsuperhero
Obrnite pretrgan računalniški monitor v akvarij
Ta vam vzame nekaj dela, vendar je popolnoma vredno, še posebej, če ste nekdo, ki resnično uživa v tehnologiji. Ta monitor lahko izkopljete in iz njega naredite čudovit rezervoar za ribe, namesto da ga pošljete na smetišče. Otroci bodo absolutno oboževali ribe v računalniškem monitorju in je relativno majhna (odvisno od velikosti monitorja), tako da zavzame zelo malo prostora. Upoštevajte, da gre za monitorje starejše vrste. Tega res ne morete narediti z monitorjem z ravnim zaslonom.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - navodila
Obrnite pretrgano navzgor v eleganten bar
Tistega starega pokončnega klavirja, ki ne igra več melodije, ni treba raztrgati in ga vreči stran. Iz njega lahko naredite čudovit šank, ki bo zagotovo hit vseh vaših koktajlov. Vzeti boste morali dejanske igralne dele in nato pobarvati ali obarvati klavir ne glede na barvo, ki jo želite. Pod ključi se lahko spremeni v odlično držalo za čaše, ogledalo na hrbtni strani pa naredi še bolj elegantno. Kako čudovit način, da se pokloniš tistemu staremu klavirju!
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekte - hišne hiše
Naredite si polico iz te pokvarjene kitare
Če imate kitaro, ki je preprosto ni mogoče več nastaviti ali je na nek način pokvarjena, jo spremenite v resnično lepo polico. Odstraniti morate sprednji del kitare (upajmo, da ne bo povzročil več škode na hrbtu in vratu) in nato preprosto dodajte police v notranjost. To obesite na steno v svoji sobi ljubitelja glasbe ali pa naj bo v dnevni sobi, da jo vsi lahko občudujejo. To je odličen kraj za shranjevanje CD-jev in drugih glasbenih pripomočkov ali pa bi jih lahko uporabili kot knjižno polico za glasbo.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Diybudgetgirl
Uporabite Broken Stemware, da rastlinam dodate eleganco
Namesto da vržete to razbito steblo, ga uporabite, da dajete svetlobo rastlinam. Ko se stebla stebla lomijo, se bodo lepo prilegale lončnicam. Preprosto jih nalepite v umazanijo rastline in dodajte svečkam na dejansko stekleni del. To je odličen projekt, ki traja le nekaj sekund in ga je mogoče uporabiti tako za rastline v zaprtih prostorih kot na prostem. Pazite, da se ne razrežete na steklu. To deluje s katerim koli kozarcem, ki ima steblo za osnovo.
Navodila za samostojno delo in posojilo za projekt - Dumpaday
Zlomljen hladilnik zavijte v zunanjo ledeno skrinjo
If your fridge is broken and you ve had to replace it, you may think that hauling the old one to the dump is the next step. Instead, turn that broken fridge into a great outdoor ice chest. You have to be sure to remove everything that causes the fridge to run (or did before it broke). Then just cover it with wood (cedar works really well) and create an ice chest that is perfect for your outdoor kitchen or deck. You can use the racks and baskets from the fridge for holding items inside the chest.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Reddit
Make A Kitchen Utensil Holder From A Broken Rake
When the handle breaks on your rake, don't automatically trash it. You can use the rake part to create a really neat and rustic looking holder for kitchen utensils. You just have to clean the rake top up a bit to remove any rust and you may want to think about sanding and painting it if it's really rusty. Then just hang it on the wall and stick your spoons and ladles on it. This is also a great project for holding tools in the garage or tool shed and you don't really have to clean it up for that.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Community
Create A Basket From Broken Blinds
Broken mini blinds normally find their way to the trash can. After all, what could you possibly do with them other than throwing them away? You could actually use them to make a very neat little basket that takes very little time. You just use a weaving method to create the basket and remember to staple together as you go along so that the basket is sturdy. If you have pets that tend to tear up your mini blinds, use them to make baskets instead of tossing them. These baskets are perfect for holding office supplies or just about anything else you can think of.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Stephagruss
Make A Wineglass Holder From A Broken Rake
Keep the top of that old rake when it breaks and create a rustic wineglass holder. The sections of the rake top are perfect for holding stemmed glassware and it gives you a great country look. You can simply sand away any rust that may be on the rake and hang it in its natural form or you can paint it with spray paint if you need it to be a specific color to match your kitchen or dining room décor. This is a great project for those old rakes that have broken handles but the tops are still in good condition.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Tatteredstyle
Create A Beautiful Chair From Broken China
Instead of throwing out that china when it's broken, use it to create a stunningly beautiful mosaic chair. This chair is relatively easy to make considering how complicated it looks and it's a great way to preserve old china that you may simply not want to get rid of even when it's broken. You just take the broken pieces and put them together on an old chair base in whatever pattern you want. You can use larger pieces or create a smaller mosaic pattern if you have smaller broken pieces.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Dishfunctionaldesigns
Build Picture Frames From Broken Mini Blinds
Old mini blinds that are no longer fit to hang aren t necessarily trash. You can take those blinds and create picture frames in a number of sizes and colors. No matter what material your blinds are made of, you can make beautiful frames for your favorite pictures that are unique and will help you to save money on buying frames for those prints. You just have to measure the pictures that you want to frame so that you have an idea of how many pieces of the blind you need. Then just stack and staple the pieces together to create your frame.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Domesticimperfection
Use Chipped Teacups As Curtain Tiebacks
Instead of throwing out those decorative teacups or putting them in the back of a cabinet, use them to create elegant Victorian looking curtain tiebacks. You will need to cut a hole in the bottom for the curtain to come through and then screw a cup hanger into the window frame so that the handle of the cup can be hung. This is a beautiful look and is perfect for formal dining rooms, especially near the china cabinet where you have other dishes in the same pattern sitting.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Bhg
Make A Kindle Cozy From Torn Jeans
If you have old dishes that have seen better days, you can use them to create beautiful lighting for your kitchen or breakfast nook. You need cups and saucers in the same pattern or you could use different patterns and make it really unique and interesting. You will need to attach the lighting and this is better done on a wooden plank so that you can keep all of the cups and saucers straight and even. This is a neat project though and one that really won't take you long.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Punkprojects
Make Lighting From Chipped Cups and Saucers
If you have old dishes that have seen better days, you can use them to create beautiful lighting for your kitchen or breakfast nook. You need cups and saucers in the same pattern or you could use different patterns and make it really unique and interesting. You will need to attach the lighting and this is better done on a wooden plank so that you can keep all of the cups and saucers straight and even. This is a neat project though and one that really won't take you long.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - apartmaterapija
Turn Broken Shutters Into Garden Holders
A broken shutter and some mason jars give you the perfect materials to create a little mini garden for the home or yard. You just have to clean up the shutter, paint if you want and then add the mason jars which are held in place with hot glue. If you are planning to add heavier plants, use clamps. You can cover them up with twine or ribbon. This is great for a kitchen herb garden and keeps you from having to haul those old shutters off to the dump.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Sheknows
Use Broken Records To Make Bookends
Have some old vinyl records that are scratched beyond repair? You can use those records to make really cool bookends, which are perfect for teenager's bedrooms or family rooms for the musically inclined. There is a really easy method that will allow you to bend the bottom of the records so that they sit flat on a surface. Then you just have to add your books. This is also a great way to organize those records or CDs that you have lying around. Just create the bookends from torn or scratched records and use them to keep good ones in place.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Homesessive
Create A Bulletin Board From Broken Mattress Springs
If you have smaller mattress springs (think baby bed mattresses or twin beds) you can use those springs to make really useful bulletin boards. This is actually a really neat project that you can customize however you want. Add a mirror, some shelves or just whatever else you want and then just sit the springs up against the wall near your desk. You can also hang it on the wall with some sturdy hardware which is great if you don t really have floor space available.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Funkyjunkinteriors
Turn A Broken Door Into A Shelf
After you replace that broken door and before you throw out the old one, consider turning it into a glorious shelf. You can add fabric, batting and even lighting to create a wonderfully unique shelf that is as functional as it is lovely. The door can stand in the corner or up against a wall or you could add hardware to it for hanging. Older doors give you a great rustic look and you can add as many shelves as you need. Plus, the lights help to illuminate your favorite books or collectibles.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Bulbtoblossom
Make A Pot Rack From A Screen Door
If you have a broken screen door and you are considering replacing it, keep the old one. You can use that door to make a very roomy and very attractive pot rack for your pots and pans. Just repaint or re-stain the door and then use chains to hang it from the ceiling. You can add hooks to the screen part for hanging pots and pans and keep lids or other items on top so you get loads of organization and all from that broken screen door that you were planning to throw away.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - Thekitchn
Turn A Broken Suitcase Into A Medicine Cabinet
Forget throwing that old vintage suitcase away. Even when it s broken, that suitcase can be used to create a great looking and fully functional medicine cabinet. Just clean out the inside, add some small shelves and you have the makings of a beautiful vintage medicine cabinet that will bring to mind those old traveling medicine men. Add screws to the back to hang it on the wall and if you don t really need to close the door, you can attach it to the wall open and add shelves on both sides.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – House-capades
Make Shelves From Torn Books
If you have a few hardcover books that are missing pages or otherwise no longer being read, you can turn them into literal bookshelves. These are really neat and require very little work. In fact, you just have to hang a shelf bracket and then slide the book in. You can create an entire wall of these book shelves in just a few minutes and they are great for the bedroom of your favorite bookworm. They also work well in hallways to hold knick-knacks or just anywhere you need them.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - preprosto
Turn A Broken Door Into A Coatrack
Take that old broken door, add a few coat hooks and perhaps some mirrored pieces and you have a beautiful coatrack that is perfect for your entryway or mud room. You can do this with even a small piece of a broken door and then just stain or paint it whatever color you need to match your existing d cor. If you have an entire door, you could add shelving or create cubbies to hold shoes and other items in the mud room. This is a great repurpose idea for old doors and for organization as well.
Navodila za naredijo si in kreditna naloga - Prettyhandygirl
Create Napkins From Torn Denim
If your closet is filled with torn jeans that you are tempted to throw away, think about making a few denim napkins first. You can create beautiful napkins with minimal sewing and these are great for summer cookouts. You basically just fold and sew the denim and you can create pockets for holding silverware. This is an easy project and one that you can work on with different materials so whether you have old jeans in the closet or any other clothing that is ripped or stained, you can make napkins from any of it.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Yourpocketstylist
Make A New Aquarium From That Broken Old TV
If you have an old console television that no longer works or a smaller TV for that matter you can use the base to create a beautiful new aquarium. You will need to be very careful when removing the electronic pieces of the television and when installing the glass and other aquarium parts. This is a great weekend project and if you do have a console television, you will end up with a great aquarium that sits on the floor. The top of the TV is turned into a lift-off lid so you can feed your fish and tend to the aquarium parts as they need serviced.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - apartmaterapija
Make Mirrors From Broken Rackets
Instead of trashing those tennis rackets when the insides come loose, turn them into sporty mirrors. You simply have to remove the netting from inside the racket and then add a mirror to fit that space. You may need to take the measurements (or the entire racket if it s easier) to a glass cutter to get a mirror shape that will fit perfectly. Then just attach the mirrors to the rackets and hang them in your little tennis player s bedroom or anywhere in the house.
Navodila za domišljijo in projektno posojilo - Countryliving
Make A Garden Trellis From Broken Tennis Rackets
When you have several tennis rackets that are no longer fit for use (or you could use badminton rackets for this as well) you can turn them into a really nice looking trellis for the garden. This is great for homes with tennis players and it gives you something to do with those rackets instead of simply throwing them away. You just have to gather and group your rackets together, prepare a frame for them and then assemble it. You can paint them all the same color or go with different colors if you want something a bit bolder.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - apartmaterapija
Turn Broken Drums Into Lights
If you have a drummer in the family and you happen to have a broken drum set, you can make gorgeous drum lights. These are great for the bedroom of your rock star or you could use them in a family room or rec room, whatever you prefer. They are relatively easy to make and can be easily hung from the ceiling. The drums work perfectly as lights and are a great touch if you are looking for something a bit out of the norm for your lighting. Plus, it keeps you from adding those drums to your local landfill.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Makelyhome
Create Stuffed Animals From Turn Gloves
If your gloves tend to only last one season before they rip or tear, you can make them last a bit longer by turning them into adorable stuffed animals. This is a great project to begin for the Christmas season as these little cuties make wonderful gifts for all the kids on your list. This is also a good project if your gloves have the fingertips missing because you will remove them anyway. You will have to do a bit of hand sewing but the project is really easy overall.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Boredpanda
Make Chainmail From Pop Tabs
Okay, so you would probably be throwing out those pop tabs with the cans, right? If you want, you can use those tabs to create a fabulous chainmail purse. It takes a little preparation and cutting to get the tabs ready but once you are done with that, you can simply put them together and create any number of chainmail items. You can do anything from a purse to a costume to picture frames or just about anything else that you can think of to create from your homemade chainmail.
Navodila za samostojno delo in projektno posojilo - navodila
Turn Toilet Paper Rolls Into Art
Okay, so they re not technically broken but empty toilet paper rolls belong in the trash, right? No, mogoče ne. You can actually use them to create stunning wall art so if you tend to like recycling, this is the perfect project for you. You can do this in any number of designs and the paint can be in any color that you need. No one but you will know that your elegant art actually began life as a cardboard toilet paper roll and you can help to minimize your trash by not having as many rolls to throw out every week.
Navodila za domišljijo in posojilo za projekt - Cutoutandkeep
Make Birdhouse Stands From Broken Ladders
When your old wooden ladders are no longer safe for you to stand on, you can turn them into beautiful stands for your birdhouses. This works with ladders of all sizes. If they are wooden, just paint them or leave them as they are if you want something a bit aged and rustic looking. You simply have to sit the birdhouses on top of them and you may want to attach them with a screw to keep them secure. You could have these sitting all over your garden area.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Hometalk
Turn A Broken Bed Into A Bench
An old headboard and footboard can be used to make a wonderful corner bench for the little ones. You just have to attach the two together, create the actual seat and then paint or stain the color that you want. Add a cushion and your little ones will adore sitting here to eat or play. You could use this in the dining room or put it outside on the deck if you need extra seating out there. It s an easy project and a great way to use up those old parts from your broken beds.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Myrepurposedlife
Make A Beautiful Bench From That Broken Dresser
This is a great project for dressers that have several broken drawers. While you may want a couple of the drawers to work properly for use on the bottom, the rest of the dresser is basically removed to create the bench. You can then use the bench at the foot of your bed or even on a deck if you need additional outdoor seating. Paint or stain any color and create something that perfectly matches your existing furniture. This is an easy project that will take you less than a day to complete and keeps you from throwing out that broken dresser.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Prakticideas
Create Stunning Jewelry From Broken Clothespins
If you have had your clothespins for long, you may notice that the wood has begun to chip or pull completely apart from the spring. Go ahead and pick up new clothespins but save those old broken ones to create stunning jewelry. This is such an easy project and one that doesn t require any special tools. Plus, it sa great gift idea that is not only cheap but allows you to use up those springs instead of tossing them out. You can create pendants, earrings or even charm bracelets with them.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Michlinla
Create Pedestal Picture Frames From Broken Materials
Take those broken or mismatched candlesticks and those picture frames that no longer hang or sit upright and create elegant pedestal frames that are perfect for gift giving or keeping all to yourself. Just spray paint the frames and candlesticks the same colors and then glue them together once the paint has dried. These are so very easy to make and are perfect for older frames that no longer want to sit where they should. Plus, you can use those candlesticks that you don t have any other use for.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Fancyfrugallife
Create Storage From Torn Books
While you may balk at the thought of tearing up your old books, if you have any that are already torn then this is a great project. You simply hollow out those hold books and use them to store your belongings. You leave the outside intact so when you add them to your bookshelves, they look like real books. You can use them to store items safely out of view and they are really easy to make. You can do one at a time or create a little nook with several book covers.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Sewingbarefoot
Use A Broken Door To Make A Crafting Table
A broken door that you can t really use on your home any longer is perfect for creating a colorful crafting table that your little ones will love. You just use the door as the top and then place it on cube organizers which work to hold all of your little ones craft supplies. Actually, if you made it tall enough this would even work as an adult s crafting table so it just depends on what you need. You can cover the door with fabric or just paint it the color that you want.
Navodila za nalaganje in projektno posojilo - Marthastewart
Make A Lamp From A Broken Shovel
Have a broken shovel that you are planning to throw away? Before you do, take a look at this wonderful shovel lamp. It s really easy to make and this is perfect for lighting up the pathway outside your garden area. Imagine the pattern that you could create if you had several of these. You could also use them for added lighting in the garage or in a workshop or just put them right there in the kitchen. You can spray paint your shovel whatever color you need so it s easy to match the lamp to your existing d cor.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Project-re
Create A Sporty Bag From A Torn Basketball
Basketballs don t stay up forever. In fact, cheaper ones will begin losing air rather quickly and depending on the size of the hole in them, you may not be able to air them up again. When that time comes, you don t have to toss them. You can make a fashionable and really cute bag from them that is perfect for any girl who is into sports. Note that you can do this with a volleyball or football as well so this is a great gift idea for your little cheerleader or a sports mom who is really supportive of her players.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Project-re
Turn A Torn Shower Curtain Into A Play Mat
When your shower curtain liner gets a hole or when the tops tear and you can't keep it on the hooks any longer, you can turn it into a wonderful play mat that your children will adore. You can let the kids create roads and cityscapes for their toy cars or use dry erase markers and let them color their favorite pictures over and over again. Dry erase will wipe easily from the plastic liner so this is a great way to keep the kids busy and give them loads of creativity at the same time.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Filthwizardry
Keep Buttons From Torn Clothing for Jewelry
When you have a shirt or sweater that is torn or permanently stained, take a minute to remove the buttons before trashing the clothing. You can use those buttons to create beautiful button bracelets that are fun and would make the perfect inexpensive gift for someone special. You just cut a piece of elastic in the size you need, sew the ends together rather tightly and then sew on the buttons. You can create any number of designs and patterns and each bracelet can be completely unique.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Lillyella
Use Broken Dishes And Silverware To Make Wind Chimes
Have some broken china that you can t bring yourself to part with? Or, perhaps you have some vintage silverware that can no longer be used for eating but you just hate to throw it out. Use those pieces to make beautiful wind chimes that you can hang from your porch. This lets you keep those dishes that you don t really want to throw away and they make a beautiful sound when the wind blows. You could also use broken costume jewelry as accents if you have any on hand so this is a great project for using up a lot of your broken household items.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Songbirdblog
Turn A Broken Chandelier Into A Serving Tray
A broken chandelier (one that no longer works as opposed to one that is actually broken into pieces) makes a beautiful dessert tray. You will need to remove all of the hardware for the lighting from the base and each individual light. Then simply attach china plates to the places where the lights used to hand and use those plates for serving up your favorite desserts. This is a great project for upcoming weddings or is perfect for the Holidays when you want an elegant dessert tray. Broken costume jewelry like faux pearl strands are great for embellishing the tray.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Dreaming-n-color
Make Rag Rugs From Torn Clothing
Those old t-shirts that are no longer wearable and just about any other clothing that you may have that is ripped or torn can be used to make wonderful rag rugs. This is also a great project for torn sheets and even curtains in certain fabrics. You can use different clothing materials and colors to create a multi-colored rug or use sheets and old blankets in the same colors for something a bit more elegant. These rugs are perfect for the kitchen in front of the sink or you could use them in the bathroom as bath mats.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Littlehouseliving
Use Knobs From Broken Doors For Patio Flooring
Before you throw those old doorknobs away, even if the doors are completely useless, you can turn the knobs into beautiful flooring for your outdoor patio. Actually, you can also use those old burners from your stovetop that no longer work and other items around the house that are broken or otherwise trashcan bound. The different finishes will give your patio a great look and the pieces are very stable when you set them in soil and surround them with your favorite outdoor plants.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Sunset
Turn Doorknobs Into Wine Corks
When your doors are broken and in need of repair, keep the doorknobs and use them to create these beautiful and very unique wine corks. All you need are the decorative doorknobs and some cork, which you can buy at any craft or hardware store. You could also just use the cork that comes in your wine bottles if you wanted. This works best with old knobs that have screws in them or you could use old cabinet pulls if they are decorative enough. You simply have to push the screw into the cork by turning and get ready because this could take a bit of time. The end result however, is well worth the effort.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Brokegirlsguide
Empty Tin Cans Make Great Hairbrush Holders
While tins cans aren't really broken, they are useless once you get the food out, right? Instead of adding them to your trash heap, use those cans to make wonderful holders for your hairbrushes. You just have to remove both ends of the cans, clean them very well with warm soapy water and then cover them with Washi tape, paint, wallpaper or just about anything else you want. Fabric works very well and hot glue does a good job of holding your cover in place. Then attach them with screws to the inside of your vanity door and you have a great place for storing and organizing brushes.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Thecreativeimperative
Turn Broken Picture Frames Into Decorative Molding
If you love the look of picture frame molding but aren t really a fan of the cost, you can make your own with those old broken picture frames. If you have frames that have lost their backing or their glass has been broken, you just remove all of that, paint them the color that you want your molding to be and then hang them on the wall. You can use frames that are all the same size or create a pattern from frames of different sizes. This is a great look and one that seems expensive. Only you will know that you have salvaged trash to create it.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Bobvila
Make A Jewelry Holder From Broken Spindles
When stair spindles are broken, they may seem useless. You can however, repurpose them into gorgeous jewelry holders that are unique and very creative. You just have to paint them, add a base and then use them to keep your necklaces and bracelets from getting tangled. If you are looking for a unique gift idea and one that won t cost a fortune, this is a good one. The best part is you make it from something that you were probably just going to throw away. You could also use an old drawer pull or broken costume jewelry to decorate it.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Sublime-living
Use Bent and Broken Silverware For Drawer Pulls
Instead of throwing out that old silverware when it bends or breaks, use it to make cabinet door handles instead. This is actually a really popular look and one that may cost a bit if you went out and bought all of those handles. Instead, you can make your own with silverware that you were planning to toss. If you have silverware that is tarnished beyond repair, simply clean it up a bit and paint it if you want to create rustic looking handles that look much more expensive than they are.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Whiteleycreek
Make Good Use Of A Broken Binder
When binders break, they are normally trash. After all, they re really not that expensive and most people simply throw them out without considering what could be done with them. If you cut away the actual cover part, you can use the binder as a key holder. Just attach it to any wall with screws, which will fit nicely into the holes already in it, and then use it to hold keys or put it outside on the deck to hold grilling utensils, towels by the pool or anything else you need. You can paint it if you want or even mount a few of these onto a wooden base.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Upcycleus
Create A Stunning Table From A Broken Piano
There really isn ta lot that you can do with an old piano when it stops working. You can however, create beautiful shadowbox type tables and depending on the size of your piano, you may be able to make two of these for the living room. You use the keys on the inside of the table to give it a really neat musical look and then cover with glass that you can have cut at your local hardware store or glass cutter. These are beautiful and help to somewhat preserve the look of the piano so you don t really have to throw it all away. You can keep the best parts.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Trash2treasure
Turn Leaky Buckets Into Outdoor Serving Items
Those old leaky buckets are useless when it comes to holding liquid but they will serve as holders for your outdoor eating very nicely. You just take some time to give the bucket whatever look you want and then use it for holding silverware, napkins or other solid items when you eat out. Give it a great patriotic look and use it for your 4th of July table outside. It doesn t take very long to create something great out of an otherwise useless bucket.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Hometalk
Make Soap Dispensers From Glass Bottles
If you tend to buy things in glass bottles (like certain bottled waters or wines for instance), you don t have to necessarily chuck the bottles when they are empty. You can use them to make soap dispensers that are gorgeous and really functional. You will need to get some pumps which you can buy at a craft store or you could just preserve the pump from lotions if you want. Then just clean up and even decorate the bottles with broken jewelry, mosaics made from broken china or anything you want and fill with your favorite liquid soaps.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Theredchairblog
Make Coasters From Old Wine Corks
Instead of throwing out the corks when you are finished with the wine, use them to create great coasters. This is a great project for corks that no longer serve their purpose because they don t need to be in perfect shape to make coasters. The coasters have a great beach-y look to them and they are easy to put together. You need a hot glue gun to attach them to each other and then just tie them off with ribbon or twine, whatever your preference. These are absolutely adorable and such a wonderful way to reuse those old corks.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Thefrugalnavywife
Make Monsters From Bread Clips
Once the bread is gone, you normally throw out the clips, right? Some people do use them for other things and if you are one of those people, this is a great Halloween project for you. You can turn those clips into adorable monsters that you hang on DIY garland to decorate for the holiday. Just paint monster faces on your bread clips and this works with clips of all sizes, even the ones that may be broken or chipped. Once you have your monster faces done, just clip them all onto a rope or string for hanging.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Craftyladylindsay
Create Berry Basket Snowflakes
Okay, so normally you would throw out those plastic berry baskets, especially if they re broken. Before you do however, take a look at the beautiful snowflakes that you can create with them. This works well even with baskets that are broken or ripped. You really just need the bottom of the basket and it s ok if the bottom is a bit worse for wear as well. Just create the snowflake shape and then glue and dip in glitter. These are great for hanging outdoors for the Holidays or you could even use them to decorate the tree.
DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Alphamom