Organizacija ne mora biti težavna, prav tako pa tudi draga. Obstaja toliko čednih načinov, da lahko spremenite stvari, ki jih najdete v lokalni trgovini Dollar. Od organiziranja kuhinje in kopalnice do skrbi za pranje perila je veliko stvari, ki vam lahko pomagajo biti bolj organizirani.
Morate vedeti, kaj storiti z vsemi temi šali? Mogoče imate preveč igrač in preprosto ne veste, kaj bi z njimi. Karkoli želiš organizirati, smo zbrali številne koristne nasvete in ideje in večino predmetov je mogoče kupiti za zelo malo denarja.
Potrebujete le malo domišljije in ustvarjalnosti in presenečeni bi bili nad tem, kaj lahko uporabite za organizacijo svojega življenja.
Plastična polica zaboj
Te preproste majhne plastične zaboje je mogoče dejansko združiti, obrniti na svojih straneh in jih nato pritrditi na steno kot kohezivna regala. In ker imajo le približno 2 dolarja vsak, resnično ne smete izgubiti spanja zaradi tega, kar porabite.
Popolnoma popolno za otroško spalnico ali igralno sobo, saj je vse, kar se shrani, tako dobro prikazano. Preko Hometalk
Organiziranje otroških predalov s platnenimi škatlami
Če imate sorazmerno majhne otroke, boste morda porabili veliko časa, ko se je skušal po predalih in jim pomagal najti tisto, kar želijo obleči. Namesto, da vse zložite v predale, lahko dodate majhne plastične ali platnene posode, ki bodo njihova oblačila odlično organizirala.
Na voljo so v vseh velikostih in se lahko prilegajo v kateri koli predal.
Via: Iheartorganizing - May Challenge: Projekt "Projekti" {Spalnica za dečke - 6. del}
Prenosni organizator kompleta začimb
Naredite lahko prenosni komplet za začimbe z zelo poceni nosilcem tablet. V večini trgovin z dolarji ti stanejo manj kot 1 dolar, zato morate za vsak zalogaj (kjer so dnevi označeni) le označiti za začimbe, ki jih želite nositi.
To je odlična ideja za tiste, ki radi dodajo svoje začimbe, ko jedo zunaj.
Via: Dollarstorecrafts - Naredite prenosni komplet za gurmansko sol
Odlična ideja za igrače za kopel
Otroci imajo radi igrače za kopel. Starši, ne toliko, še posebej, ko te igrače kapljajo vodo po vseh tleh. Enostaven način, da preprečite, da bi te igrače zmočile tla in se izgubile, je, da dvignete kavelj s sesalno skodelico, ki bo pritrjena na steno kad.
Nato potrebujete mrežasto vrečko in lahko obešate igrače v kadi, kjer bodo kapljale naravnost v odtok.
Via: Makeit-loveit - mrežasta torba za igrače za kopel.
Organiziranje obrtnih potrebščin z recikliranimi pločevinami
Reciklirane pločevinke so odlične za organizacijo barv in drugih obrtnih potrebščin. Konzerve za kavo in druge so popolne. Ko končate z njimi, samo odstranite nalepke in jih lahko po želji pobarvate in prilagodite.
Če po hiši nimate nobenih pločevink, lahko poberete več različnih velikosti za manj kot 1 USD in nato ustvarite svoj organiziran obrtni center.
Via: Thecountrychiccottage - Organiziranje obrtnih potrebščin z recikliranimi pločevinami
Škatle za organizatorje obrti naj bodo za lase urejene
Škatle za organizatorje obrti (ali tiste večje škatle za organizacijo tabletk) so odlične za odlično vzdrževanje zalog za lase in dodatkov.
To so res poceni, reže pa so kot nalašč za držala, loke in druge dodatke. Poleg tega zavzamejo zelo malo prostora, tako da jih lahko ohranite urejene in urejene pod kopalniškim umivalnikom ali kjer koli že imate prostor in vam nikoli ne bo treba skrbeti z izgubo dodatkov za lase
Preko: Theidearoom - Obrtne škatle za pripravo rok za vzdrževanje las
Jasne plastične skodelice za organizacijo vrvic
Iščete način, kako organizirati vrvice in druge elektronske dodatke? Bistre plastične skodelice delujejo odlično. Skodelice morate preprosto označiti s tistim, kar odlagate v notranjost, in jih vse shranite v majhen plastični tote ali košaro.
Za nekaj dolarjev lahko dobite več skodelic in za vse jih potrebujete samo držalo. To pomaga, da se vrvice ne zapletajo in zagotavljajo, da vedno veste, kje so vsi vaši dodatki
Via: Imperfecthomemaking - Jasne plastične skodelice za organizacijo vrvic
Odličen organizator pasov iz Clothespins
Če imate v omari ali predalih veliko pasov in malo prostora, lahko naredite odličen organizator z uporabo le nekaj zatičev za obleko in trakom iz lesa. Morate samo vroče lepiti zatiče za oblačila na leseni trak in jih nato uporabiti za pritrditev pasov.
To je tudi odlična ideja za nakit, šali ali druge stvari, ki jih morate obesiti.
Via: Powertoolsandhighheels - Posodobitev za kopalnico !!
Kocke in drobne predmete shranjujte v plastičnih posodah
Majhni zabojniki za shranjevanje, ki jih lahko poberete za manj kot 1 dolar, so kot nalašč za organiziranje majhnih predmetov. Namesto da bi izgubili kocke iz svojih družabnih iger, zakaj jih preprosto ne bi ohranili v priročni majhni posodi? Te lahko uporabite tudi za ohlapne spremembe, podstavke in druge predmete, ki se pogosto zlahka zamenjajo.
Odlični so za majhne nohte in vijake in ker se zlahka zlagajo, lahko vse držite lepo urejeno.
Via: Cardigansandcurriculum - Hranite kocke in drobne predmete v plastičnih posodah
Magnetni trakovi Držite Bobby zatiči na mestu
Bobby zatiči, pinceta in drugi kopalniški predmeti, ki so sorazmerno majhni, se lahko zlahka zamenjajo. Preprost magnetni trak bo končal to težavo.
Samo dodajte magnetni trak na notranjo stran vrat v omari in nanj nalepite zatiče, pinceto, ščipalke in druge majhne kovinske predmete, da bodo pri roki. Via: Sprwmn - 2-minutna kopalniška organizacija
Zgradite priročen organizator za oskrbo obrti
Ne ljubite samo obrti? Na žalost je organiziranje teh zalog za obrt lahko težavno, še posebej, če imate opravka z zelo majhnimi predmeti. Rešitev? Morate le pobrati nekaj majhnih plastičnih posod s pokrovi in imeti priročen okvir za slike (eden tistih debelejših).
Škatle lahko označite in nato uporabite okvir, da bodo vsi skupaj, urejeni in urejeni.
Celoten projekt stane manj kot 5 USD in vam pomaga, da ne izgubite manjših zalog za obrt.
Via: Craftionary - Sestavite priročen organizator za oskrbo obrti
Pladnji s kockami ledu lahko organizirajo pisarniške potrebščine
Kdo pravi, da morate za organizacijo domače pisarne porabiti malo bogastva? Odlična rešitev za manjše pisarniške potrebščine je uporaba pladnja s kockami ledu.
Te lahko dobite v kateri koli trgovini z dolarji za približno 1 dolar (za 3 od njih). Pritrdite zatiče, sponke za papir, gumijaste trakove in druge potrebščine v posameznih režah in se zlahka prilegajo v kateri koli predal za mizo.
Via: Realsimple - Pladnji s kockami ledu lahko organizirajo pisarniške potrebščine
Šolsko delo naj bo organizirano s škatlo datotek
Ko se šola ponovno zažene, bodo starši povsod neresno iskali rešitve za shranjevanje šolskih del.
Odlična rešitev za to je poceni polje datotek. Vse njihove pomembne papirje, pa tudi slike in druge stvari lahko hranite v datoteki, ki je označena, tako da vedno veste, kam iti, da dobite tisto, kar potrebujete.
Samo nekaj map bo dokončalo projekt, kar lahko prepreči, da se papir zmeša na najmanjšo možno mero. Preko: Iheartorganizing - Naj bodo šolske naloge organizirane s škatlo datotek
Zastirki pop up omogočajo veliko skladiščenje igrač
Kolikokrat ste si zaželeli, da preprosto niste imeli toliko igrač, ki bi jih lahko pobrali? Če iščete popolno rešitev za shranjevanje igrač, razmislite o pop-up ovirah.
Čeprav prvotno niso zasnovane za shranjevanje igrač, se vseeno odločijo. Otroke lahko celo navdušite nad tem, da naberejo svoje igrače, ko jim dovolite, da "odprejo" svoje igrače.
Via: - Pop Up Hampers Izvrstno skladiščenje igrač
Enostavno shranjevanje v beležkah
Praktično vsakdo dela scrapbooking v teh dneh, in čeprav je to gotovo prijetno, je potrebno tudi veliko prostora za shranjevanje teh majhnih nalepk in strani lepo urejenih.
Spinning stojala so kot nalašč za ohranitev strani čiste in zaščitene, držalo za papirnate brisače pa lahko uporabite za lepo urejen trak.
Košare so vedno odlična izbira za shranjevanje, drobna vedra pa bodo držala nalepke in druge okraske čiste in urejene.
Preko: Ustvarjanje vodnih zapisov - enostavno shranjevanje v beležkah
Organizirajte dodatke za video igre z obešalniki za čevlje
Viseči organizatorji čevljev so kot nalašč za združevanje in urejanje video iger, krmilnikov in drugih dodatkov. Lahko jih obesite nad vrati v otrokovo sobo in vedno bo lahko našel tisto, kar išče.
Manjši igralni sistemi se bodo prilegali tudi v reže za čevlje. Če ne potrebujete prostora za shranjevanje video iger, lahko še vedno uporabite organizatorje čevljev, da filme, pobarvanke ali celo polnjene živali organizirate.
Via: Time2saveworkshops - Organizirajte dodatke za video igre z obešalniki za čevlje
Poceni in enostavna organizacija za prerasla oblačila
Če imate otroke, potem obstaja velika verjetnost, da imate veliko oblačil, ki so jih prerasli vaši otroci.
Če imate več kot enega otroka, boste morda čakali, da boste videli, ali bodo nekatera od teh oblačil ustrezala naslednjim. Namesto, da se teh oblačil znebite, uporabite bolj udobne vrečke za shranjevanje.
Presenečeni bi bili nad tem, koliko oblačil bo vsebovala ena torba za shranjevanje in jih lahko organizirate po velikosti, spolu ali vrsti oblačil. Vrečke se lepo prilegajo pod postelje in v druge majhne prostore.
Via: Attemptingaloha - Razmislite zunaj {igrača} Box - Več kot 50 organizacijskih nasvetov za otroške prostore
Priročna tabla za spomin na kuhinjo
Če že nimate menijske plošče, jo potrebujete. Resnično ni boljšega načina za organiziranje družinskih dogodkov in drugih stvari. Preprost lesen okvir za slike in nekaj prtičkov bo lepo naredil trik.
Uporabite prtičke, da si zapišete stvari, kjer si boste zapomnili, kaj se dogaja vsak teden, in lahko dodate majhne kartonske škatle za recepte in druge predmete.
Via: Clairsfairytale - The UlTIMATE Menu Board
Košare obesite na steno
Ko vam primanjkuje prostora, so viseče košare odlična rešitev. Nakupiti morate le nekaj poceni košaric iz protja in jih namestiti na svojo steno.
Ne samo, da je to enostaven projekt, it sa je zelo poceni in vam nudi prostor za shranjevanje stvari, kot so brisače in perilo, toaletne potrebščine in vse drugo, za kar potrebujete več prostora.
Via: Imbusyprocrastinating - Dizajnerska rešitev: Stenske košare za shranjevanje kopalniškega perila
Košare in torbe za organizacijo v vsaki sobi
Enostavno ni mogoče poudariti dovolj, da so torbe in košare popolna rešitev za shranjevanje. Vse stvari v vaši kopalnici, kuhinji in spalnici lahko ohranite popolnoma urejene, če jih hranite v ustreznih košarah ali torbah.
Te odlične imetnike po zelo nizki ceni lahko poberete tudi v kateri koli dolarski trgovini, tako da lahko ta sistem organizacije uporabljate po vsem domu
Via: Imperfecthomemaking - {OrganizedHome} 25. dan: Skladiščenje v kopalnici
Organizirajte pralnice s košarami
Ali smo rekli, da so košare odlične za organiziranje stvari? No, takšni so in lahko izberete nekaj odličnih plastičnih za organizacijo pralnice ali čiščenja omare.
Prodajajo plastične košare v vseh velikostih in oblikah, tako da boste lahko našli točno tisto, kar deluje za vašo pralnico.
Samo dodajte jih v kovinsko omaro ali polico in v večini primerov imate popolno organizacijo za manj kot 10 USD.
Via: Organiewithsandy - Košare lahko organizirajo vašo pralnico
Poceni in enostavna organizacija s plastičnimi koši
Če imate na svojem območju dolarsko drevo, lahko dvignete nekaj odličnih plastičnih košev, s katerimi boste organizirali domačo pisarno. Te so odlične tudi za otroške sobe za organiziranje igrač ali pa jih lahko uporabite kjer koli potrebujete malo dodatnega prostora za shranjevanje.
Na voljo so v različnih barvah, tako da jih lahko popolnoma primerjate s katero koli sobo, v kateri jih uporabljate, in so zelo poceni, zato si lahko privoščite, da organizirate vsako sobo v vašem domu.
Via: Solovethat - Kako organizirati domačo pisarno z uporabo kreativnih idej
Organizacija Power Strip
Potrebujete odličen način, kako ohraniti in zaščititi napajalne trakove? Če imate v bližini mize zaščitnik pred prenapetostjo, lahko dvignete kovinsko košaro za približno 1 dolar ali več in jo uporabite tako, da ta trak oddrsi od tal, kjer je skrit pred pogledom.
Košarico samo pritrdite na dno mize in vstavite trak za napajanje.
To je odličen način, da preprečite, da bi se vrvice zapletle in da bo vaša pisarna videti nekoliko bolj urejena.
Via: Martha Stewart - Power Strip organizacija
Organizirajte se pod kuhinjskim pomivalnim koritom
Čiščenje pod kuhinjskim pomivalnim koritom je lahko tako enostavno, kot da bi se odpravili v trgovino z dolarji in pobrali nekaj zalog.
Zavesa, razpršilne steklenice in nekaj plastičnih košare ali silikonske torbe so popolna zaloga za organizacijo. Domača čistila lahko hranite v steklenicah in jih obesite za ročaje čez palico za zavese.
Košare bodo vsebovale vaše ostale zaloge, tako da je vse lepo in urejeno, umivalnik pa lahko popolnoma organizirate za manj kot 20 dolarjev.
Via: Amy-newnostalgia - Pod organizacija kuhinjskih koril
Nasveti za organizacijo majhnih kopalnic
Komplet graduiranih pletenih košar in malo vrvi je vse, kar potrebujete za boljše urejeno kopalnico.
Vrvi in košare lahko dvignete za manj kot 10 dolarjev in jih nato samo obesite od vrha do dna, najmanjše do največje.
V košarah imejte zaloge za kopalnico ali kar koli, kar potrebujete, da boste pridobili dodaten prostor za shranjevanje in ga dobili za res poceni ceno.
Via: Bedifferentactnormal - Viseče košare
Vezi za organiziranje referatov
Nekaj zelo poceni veziv vam bo pomagalo, da bo vse lepo urejeno. Uporabite lahko veziva za kupone, račune, obiske zdravnika, posnetke posnetkov in vse drugo organizirano.
Izberite samo način, kako stvari želite ohraniti skupaj, in nato ustrezno označite svoje vezi. Viseča mapa z datotekami je odlična tudi za ohranjanje čistega in nedosegljivega odtisa vaših najljubših receptov.
Via: Dimplicity - Organizacijski vezi
Čiščenje predalnika ličil
Če potrebujete boljšo organizacijo za predal za ličenje, bo nekaj posod z žično mrežo in nekaj Velcro lepo uspelo. Zabojnike lahko kupite za približno 1 dolar ali več za večjega in za isto ceno dobite več manjših.
Velcro samo pritrdite na dno posode in nato na predal. Na posodah bo šminka organizirana, Velcro pa bo poskrbel, da bodo takšni ostali.
Via: Tatertotsandjello - Organizacija predalov v 15 minutah, ki ne bo drsila naokoli !!
Obrtni razpršilnik
Organizirati obrtni trak ni težko, če veste, kaj potrebujete.
Odličen način, da te trakove organizirate (in mimogrede to odlično deluje tudi za zavijanje božičnih trakov), je, da dobite majhno plastično košaro - takšno, v kateri so luknje. Samo vstavite leseno ali plastično palico za moznike, ki se prilega od enega do drugega konca.
Zdaj položite svoje trakove na traku in konec luknjice potisnite skozi luknje v košarici.
Via: Minimozblog - Shranjevanje košarice s trakovi - naredi sam- >
Okrasite plastične košare za privlačno shranjevanje
Če potrebujete odličen način za shranjevanje otroških potrebščin, igrač ali skoraj česar koli drugega in želite, da je videti dekorativno, lahko v plastično košarico dodate le nekaj traku. Najdite plastične košare v vseh oblikah in velikostih.
Tiste z luknjami vstran so kot nalašč za okrasitev. Prav tako so čudovita držala za otroške prhe.
Samo dodajte trak za okrasitev košare in ga nato napolnite s potrebnimi otroškimi potrebščinami.
Via: Makeandtakes - Okrasite plastično posodo s trakom
Komandne kljuke za organizacijo kuhinje
Komandne kljuke so popolna dodatna oprema za organiziranje nereda pod kuhinjskim pomivalnim koritom. Kljuke lahko uporabite za obešanje plastičnih steklenic ali pritrditev kovinskih polic na notranjo stran omare za shranjevanje gobic in drugih pripomočkov za čiščenje.
V notranjost vrat omarice dodajte nekaj košaric ali celo držalo za papirnate brisače in čistilne potrebščine bodo vedno urejene.
Preko: Iheartorganizing - UHeart Organizacija: Mislite, da se organizirate pod umivalnikom
Napenjalna palica deluje odlično pod umivalnikom
Za učinkovit in poceni način, kako gobice in brisače za suho posušiti, razmislite, da pod umivalnik obesite napenjalno palico.
Uporabite lahko tudi kavlje za obešanje brisač ali majhno košaro s kavlji, da se gobice organizirajo in jim omogočite, da se posušijo.
Natezne palice in Command kljuke so res poceni in vam pomagajo pri organizaciji kuhinje.
Preko: Iheartorganizing - UHeart Organizacija: Mislite, da se organizirate pod umivalnikom
Viseče košare za perilo prihranite čas
Če želite prevzeti svojo perilo in jo organizirati, potrebujete le malo časa in zelo malo denarja.
Če košare za perilo obesite na steno in jih označite, boste lahko svoje tovor razvrstili, kar bo prihranilo prostor in čas, ko gre za pranje oblačil.
Lahko bi kupili tudi enega od teh ovir, ki je razdeljen na tri odseke in ga označite tako, da boste dobili dodatno razvrščanje in shranjevanje.
Via: Homemadeville - predelava pralnice s tiskalniki
Kako sem preobleko preoblekel v shrambo
Običajno omaro za plašče lahko preprosto spremenite v kuhinjsko shrambo in jo organizirate le z nekaj košarami, plastičnimi torbicami in drugimi predmeti, ki so zelo poceni.
Ko gre za popolno organizacijo, je označevanje ključno. Lahko natisnete številne etikete brezplačno ali, če imate pištolo za etiketo, naj bo vaš najboljši prijatelj.
Hranite podobno hrano skupaj v plastičnih torbah ali košarah in vaša shramba bo vedno organizirana.
Via: Inmyownstyle - Kako sem omaro s plaščem preoblikoval v shrambo
Zgradite svojo shrambo za oblačila
Enostavne in poceni kartonske škatle so odlične za organizacijo skoraj vsega. Začnete lahko z kockami za shranjevanje žic in šele nato dodate navadne bele škatle z nalepkami za stvari, ki jih morate vzdrževati.
Imejte škatlo za oblačila, ki jo želite podariti, ali pa bi ta sistem lahko celo uporabili za recikliranje. To je odličen način, da stvari organizirate, ne da bi potrebovali veliko prostora ali denarja.
Preko: Theredchairblog - Sama shramba za "prehodne" predmete
Izkoristite stenski prostor
Zidni prostor je nekaj, kar malo ljudi razmišlja o uporabi, ko gre za organizacijo. S poceni stensko mrežo lahko slike, šolske papirje, recepte in druge predmete hranite nedosegljivo in popolnoma urejene.
Lahko bi uporabili celo majhno mrežo za postavitev ukaznega centra. Mrežo samo pritrdite na steno in uporabite prtičke, da predmete držite na svojem mestu. Dodajte koledar, beležke in celo majhne ovojnice za kupone in druge predmete.
Via: Oneshetwoshe - Naredi odložišča ~ Easy, poceni in super organizator! (ona: Amy)
Organizacija umazanije
Ne glede na to, ali gre za poletje ali zimo, je ključnega pomena vzdrževanje zimske opreme. Poceni organizator za čevlje je odličen za obešanje v sobi z blatom ali na zadnji strani vrat.
Oddelke lahko označite za vsakega od svojih otrok in jim dovolite, da si na oddelkih nadenejo klobuke, palčnike in vse, kar uporabljajo pri igranju zunaj.
Tako bodo vedno vedeli, kje je njihova zimska oprema in jih morate osvojiti s tal po enem dnevu igranja v snegu.
Via: Mommysavers - enostavne rešitve za ohranjanje organiziranega zimskega orodja
Velike vrečke Ziploc delujejo odlično za organizacijo
Plastične vrečke Ziploc so odlične za shranjevanje skoraj ničesar. Lahko jih dobite v toliko velikostih in jih lahko uporabite v kuhinji, kopalnici, spalnici ali kjer koli, da morate določene predmete držati skupaj.
Na vrečke preprosto položite nalepke, da boste vedeli, kaj je v njih, in jih napolnite, karkoli morate shraniti.
Večje torbe so odlične za ohranjanje varnih in urejenih božičnih okraskov in drugih predmetov.
Via: Chicaandjo - Organiziranje z vrečkami za shranjevanje Ziploc
Zaprti očesni oviri za organizacijo preje
Če pletate ali kvačkate, boste morda potrebovali odlično rešitev za organiziranje preje. Mrežne ovire lahko najdete v različnih velikostih, nekateri pa imajo različne predelke.
Te so odlične za urejanje potrebščin za pletenje ali kvačkanje. Igle lahko hranite v enem odseku, preje v enem in celo postavite pletilne vzorce ali knjige v drugega.
So zelo vsestranski in jih je mogoče shraniti v najtanjših krajih.
Via: Handcraftingwithlove - Projekt Linus
Privlačen in organiziran kabinet za začimbe
Organiziranje začimb še ne pomeni popolnoma predelati kuhinjskih omar. Obstajajo poceni in učinkoviti načini, kako organizirati te začimbe. Kako pa je, da jih postavite v majhne zidane kozarce z nalepkami?
Zidane kozarce lahko poberete precej poceni, še posebej, če kupujete v prodajalnah Dollar ali na dvoriščih.
Potem jih le primerno označite in bodo zelo lepo razporejene drug na drugega.
Via: Thekitchn - najboljša rešitev za shranjevanje začimb: Mason Jars
Poceni organizacija zamrzovalnika
Zabojniki Dollar Store so poceni in zelo uporabni. Če iščete način, kako organizirati svoj zamrzovalnik, so te majhne plastične košare odlična ideja.
V večini primerov jih lahko poberete za manj kot 1 dolar in jih uporabite za ohranjanje podobnih živil.
Košarico za zelenjavo, eno za sadje, kruh in meso ali karkoli potrebujete. V vsako košarico lahko organizirate tudi popolne obroke, tako da veste, kaj kuhate za vsako noč v tednu.
Preko: Aproverbswife - Organizirano domače opravilo : Globoko zamrzovanje z zabojniki Dollar Store
Med potovanjem naj bo nakit organiziran
Če nameravate potovati in morate imeti nakit organizirano, je posoda s tabletami odlična.
Te stvari stanejo približno 1 dolar in vam bodo dale do 7 različnih slotov za nakit. Samo shranite nakit, ki ga nameravate nositi skupaj v vsaki reži ali uporabite različne reže za različne vrste nakita.
Predelki so dovolj veliki, da lahko vsebujejo uhane, zapestnice in ogrlice in so vsi lepo urejeni in urejeni.
Via: Howtohaveitall - poceni etui za shranjevanje nakita za potovanja
Pralnica Organizacija, ki prihrani čas
Večina žensk ima ljubezenski / sovražni odnos s pralnico, predvsem zato, ker se zdi, da nabira nered več kot druge sobe v domu.
Organizacija ni težka in vam bo pomagala pri maksimiranju prostora in časa. Začnite s košarami ali torbicami, ki so označene za čistilne pripomočke in celo posebne pralne obloge.
Naučite se vseh, kako razvrstiti perilo in ga odložiti v ustrezno košarico. Košare lahko hranite na policah ali jih obesite na steno, če nimate veliko prostora.
Via: Abowlfulloflemons - Organizacija doma 101 5. teden Pralnica p
Organizirajte svojo omaro za umetnost in obrt
Organizirana omara za umetnost in obrt ne samo da vas osrečuje, ampak navdušuje tudi vaše otroke. Če imate omaro, ki jo uporabljate za te potrebščine (če ne, lahko uporabite preprosto knjižno polico), začnite z zbiranjem nekaj plastičnih torb ali sklede.
Označite jih za barvice, čopiče itd. Lahko dobite plastične košare, ki se odlično obnesejo in so v različnih velikostih, tako da lahko imate večje za barvanje knjig in papirja ter manjše za pisala in druge predmete.
Via: Thisishappinessblog - Organizirana omara za otroke in obrt
Organizacija enostavnih niti
Organiziranje niti je prepir. Morate le pobrati majhne podolgovate plastične košare, ki jih najdete v trgovini Dollar za približno 1 dolar za 2 ali 3.
Organizirajte svoje niti po barvah v teh košaricah, ki se mimogrede zlagajo, da boste lahko prihranili tudi prostor.
Prav tako lahko vzamete večjo plastično škatlo ali kvadratno košarico in zložite vse manjše košare v notranjost, da jih resnično organizirate.
Via: 1893victorianfarmhouse - Organiziranje v umetniškem studiu / šivalni sobi
Dodajte shrambo v svojo omaro
V omari preprosto ni dovolj prostora za vse, kar potrebujete za shranjevanje. Rešitev je tako preprosta, kot če kupite nekaj plastičnih zabojev za mleko in jih obesite.
Uporabite lahko poceni obešalnike, kot so Command, zaboji pa imajo luknje, tako da se bodo zlahka obesili. Uporabite samo dva obešala na zaboj.
Zaboji bodo visili pod kotom proti vratom, tako da boste lahko videli, kaj gre v vsaki.
Via: Sawdustandembryos - Garderobna omara {Organizacijske ideje!}
Viseče košare za pod umivalnikom
Majhne košare z ročaji so odlične za dodajanje polic, ko jih potrebujete. Uporabite jih lahko pod umivalnikom ali v zabavnem centru.
Obesite jih s kavlji za skodelice in imate takojšnje shranjevanje, košare so res poceni, če dobite plastične. Te so odlične za otroške sobe v katerih so organizirane igrače in knjige ali pa jih lahko uporabite za vse, kar potrebujete.
Via: Organizingmadefun - Kako organiziram: Omare za družinske sobe
Organizirajte kopalnico za manj kot 20 USD
Ste vedeli, da lahko celotno kopalnico organizirate samo z enim izletom v trgovino z dolarji in za manj kot 20 dolarjev?
Odločiti se morate le, kaj potrebuje shranjevanje, in pobrati nekaj košaric, tote in drugih predmetov. Košare so odlične za organiziranje pripomočkov za britje, gele za tuširanje in mila ter druge predmete.
Viseči kadi za tuširanje so kot nalašč za shranjevanje šamponov in stvari, zato ni nobenega pravila, ki pravi, da lahko imate samo enega. Obesite jih na tuš steno s kavlji Command.
Via: Thecrazycraftlady - Organizacija kopalniške trgovine Dollar
Pridobite veliko prostora omare
Ne smeš imeti ogromne omare, da dobiš prostor za shranjevanje enega. Potrebujete le nekaj drobtin, košare in košev in lahko odlično organizirate kateri koli prostor.
Samo označite posode za shranjevanje, tako da boste vedno vedeli, kaj je znotraj. Če želite poleti shraniti zimske obleke, lahko poleti shranite, plastični zaboji pa so odlični za organiziranje igrač.
Via: BHG - Nakup za barve
Organizacija kuponov je postala enostavna
Če kupite kupon in mnogi od nas to počnejo v teh dneh, se vam zdi organiziranje kuponov nemogoče. Nekaj poceni plastičnih posod ali veziv bo delo lepo opravilo.
Ne pozabite le, da kupone, ki jim poteče najhitreje spredaj, kupone lahko ločite po poteku veljavnosti ali po vrsti izdelka, da boste lažje našli tisto, kar iščete, ko pride čas za nakupovanje.
Via: Thenewfrugalmom - 8 nasvetov za organizacijo kuponov vsak mesec
Mesh Hampers ohranjajo organizirane zaloge na plaži
Se odpravite na plažo? Če ste in želite preprečiti, da se te igrače na plaži ne bi izgubile, ali pa bi na poti domov kapljale po celotnem avtomobilu, zakaj ne bi dvignili ovire za pop-up mrežice.
Te so zelo lahke in mreža bo omogočila, da se igrače zračijo, tako da se hitreje posušijo. To je odličen in poceni način za shranjevanje in prevoz igrač za plažo.
Preko: - Orodje z odprtimi strehami Easy Carry Mesh Hamper
Odličen sistem organizacije revije za kuhanje
Zabojniki za shranjevanje revij so obvezni za vse te revije o kuhanju. Na žalost, več ko imate revije, več časa potrebuje, da najdete tisto, kar iščete.
Če iz vsake revije iztrgate kazalo in ga daste v vezavo, boste te recepte našli nekoliko hitreje. Stran preprosto označite z datumom izdaje, tako da boste vedeli, od kod prihaja in boste lahko hitreje našli recepte.
Via: Madincrafts - Organizacija enostavnih kuharskih revij
Vezi in delilniki prihranijo čas in organizirajo račune
S svojim poceni vezivom in nekaj delilniki lahko odlično organizirate svoj urnik, račune, prihranke in celo svoj seznam živil. Lahko dobite vezivo za približno 1 dolar in več delilnikov za isto ceno.
Označite samo delilnike, odvisno od tega, kaj morate organizirati. Koledar lahko natisnete, da ostanejo v vezavi, tako da imate zabeležene pomembne datume in da bodo vaše finance in vse ostalo odlično urejene.
Via: Itsamueggelife - Vezi domače organizacije
Več prhe za shranjevanje z drugo prho
Če imate pod tušem na tone steklenic, jih lahko enostavno organizirate tako, da preprosto dodate še eno palico za tuširanje.
Obesite majhne košare s tuš kabino, da šampon in balzam ne bosta imela niti za britje, gobice za kopel in mila ob steni prhe. Dodajte tudi košarico za kopalniške igrače in druge predmete.
To je odlična ideja za sušenje dobrot in kopalke.
Via: Lifehacker - Dodajte drugo pršno palico za dodatno shranjevanje v kopalnici
Organizirajte nakit z vezivom
Vezi ali kavlje, ki prihajajo v notranjost veziva, je odlična ideja za organiziranje nakita in ličil znotraj kopalniške omare. Z vijaki pritrdite kavelj na vrata in obročke uporabite za shranjevanje predmetov.
Majhne vrečke z luknjami so odlične za ličila in manjše predmete, nanje pa lahko obesite celo gobice, čopiče in druge stvari.
Via: Dollardesigndiva - 2, 00 USD stojala za kljuke in prenosni kozmetični komplet
Obesite trakove za enostavno shranjevanje
Morate shraniti obrtne trakove? Preprosta kovinska obešalnica in nekaj zatičev za oblačila bosta opravila svoje delo. Konec traku samo pripnite na prtiček in ga zavijte.
Potem ga morate preprosto pripeti na obešalnik. Na en obešalnik lahko dobite več zvitkov in ga obesite kamor koli želite.
Via: Creativetryals - ideja za shranjevanje trakov
Okrašene škatle dodajte eleganten prostor za shranjevanje
Preproste kartonske škatle naredijo odlične predale, če potrebujete dodatno skladiščenje. Predalnike lahko okrasite celo tako, da dodate tkanino ali kontaktni papir, da bodo nekoliko lepši.
Nato dodajte le tisto, kar potrebujete, da jih shranite in zložite. Videti bodo kot majhen dresnik in vam bodo dali veliko priložnosti za shranjevanje.
Via: Missrepurpose - Organizacija škatel
Prikažite umetniška dela v edinstvenem okvirju
Če iščete lepo idejo za prikazovanje otroških umetnin, ne iščite več kot otoka slik. Okvir za slike lahko okrasite z barvnim gradbenim papirjem, nato pa vzamete kozarec in čez njega obesite žico ali trak.
Z obeski za obešanje umetnine uporabite tako, da jih je mogoče prikazovati, dokler ne pride nov kos, ki ga je treba pokazati.
Via: Madincrafts - Neonski igrani okvir {for schoolwork}
Viseči organizator za nogavice
Padec je tik za vogalom in z njim je treba organizirati še kup nogavic. Namesto da bi te nogavice založili v predal, obesite svoj organizator, ki ga je enostavno in poceni izdelati.
Potrebujete lesene prste in pištolo za vroče lepilo. Poiščite mesto, da jih obesite, znotraj omare ali za vrati dobro deluje, in vroče prilepite zatiči na steno. Zdaj jih samo uporabite za obešanje nogavic, tako da so popolnoma organizirane.
Via: Lanared - Tidy Hlačne nogavice
Organizirajte svoj urnik in prihranite čas
Preprosta vrv, veriga ali trak in nekaj lesenih prtičkov so odlični za organiziranje vašega urnika. Uporabite zatiče, da obesite beležke za tisto, kar se dogaja za dan, teden ali mesec.
Ko končate vsako nalogo, odstranite beležko in ostale premaknite naprej. Tako ste na tekočem s dogajanjem in vam pomaga, da ste bolj urejeni.
Via: BHG - asistent za načrtovanje
Edinstveno in muhasto pleničko za shranjevanje
S staro nočno omarico, malo barve in nekaj domišljije lahko svojo plenico shranite v znanstveno-fantastično mojstrovino. Samo dodajte košare za ohranjanje plenic in drugih predmetov.
Če se v resnici ne ukvarjate s sci-fi-jem, lahko preprosto pobarvate nočno omarico, če želite, in še vedno dajete svoji vrtcu odličen videz, ki vas zelo malo stane.
Via: Madincrafts - Obrtna odiseja
Organizirajte nadomestno prejo s prtički
Če imate po projektu kvačkanja ali pletenja preostale majhne koščke preje, jih ne vrzite samo ven.
Te bite boste morda v prihodnosti dejansko potrebovali. Namesto, da bi jih crkljali, vzemite nekaj prstov in jih razvaljajte. You will need to clip the end of the yarn to the clothespin and then roll it.
They will store neatly in a small basket so you will have them when you need them.
Via: Cornflowerbluestudio – DIY for Knitters & Crocheters :: How to Organize Bits of Yarn
Canvas Containers for Kids Room Storage
Canvas containers that you can pick up for a steal at most Dollar Stores are great for organizing just about anything you can imagine.
If you have little space in the kitchen, you can redo a shelving unit or dresser and use the containers to keep supplies organized.
You can also use these in closets or just anywhere that you have open space and want it to be a bit more tidy.
Via: Addhousewife – Organization Round Up
Organize Your Dorm Room with Ziploc Bags
If you have a kid going off to college in the fall, you can find loads of organizing supplies that are inexpensive and very useful.
Large Ziploc bags are great for keeping clothes together and baskets, buckets and crates will help your child to keep their things neat and tidy in the dorm room.
Plastic bins are great for makeup, jewelry, shoes and other things.
Via: Dormify – How to Move in Like a Boss
Store Sweaters Safely and Save Space
Clear plastic garment bags are great for storing out of season clothing. Some bulkier items may take up too much room in the dresser and if you prefer not to hang sweaters for months on end, you can just fold and lay them flat in a garment bag and then hang the garment bag by the hole at the top.
Place all of your fall and winter sweaters in a single bag to save space.
Via: Blondeesdiary – Frozen Adventures, Fuzz Busting and Fat Apples
Store Gift Wrap in a Shoe Organizer
You can buy organizers for gift wrap but they tend to be a bit expensive. A cheaper solution? A shoe organizer. You can hang the organizer over the door and keep all of your wrapping paper, tape, scissors and bows in there.
This works the same as those organizers designed to store gift wrap but comes at a much lower cost.
Via: Thecountrychiccottage – Gift Wrap Storage {from an over the door shoe organizer}
Car Cleanup and Organization
A shoe organizer works great for keeping things in the car neat and tidy. If you have children, you probably have a load of things that you need to take with you when you go.
Small shoe organizers will fit all of those items and you can just hang them over the back of the front seat so that kids can get to what they need.
Via: Decorganizecrafts – Car Organizer using a Shoe Organizer
Keep Traveling Supplies Handy and Organized
A couple of cheap hanging organizers and a few strategically placed Command strip hangers will help you to perfectly organize supplies in your car or minivan.
If your kids participate in sports or you tend to take long trips, these little organizers can help to keep things put away in their place.
Via: Dollarstoremom – Extreme Dollar Store Car Organization
Cheap Storage Solution for Nail Polish
A hanging jewelry organizer is a great idea for keeping nail polishes organized. You can group them together by color and keep them in the pockets in whatever order you choose.
You can also use a hanging shoe organizer and get the same result. They hang up on closet doors or the back of the bedroom or bathroom door so they stay out of the way and keep your polishes perfectly organized.
Via: Kikichaos – Nailpolish Storage Idea
Ziploc Bags Protect and Store Craft Supplies
Ziploc bags are definitely not just for storing food. If you are a crafty person and you tend to have several craft ideas just lying around the house, you can use Ziploc bags to keep those projects organized.
Just insert the materials and instructions for each craft idea and zip it closed. The bags will protect your crafts and keep them together so when you are ready to do one, you just open the bag and get started.
Via: Butyoucancallmemeg – Organizing Goals: Project Bags
Sort and Organize Your Cookie Cutters
If you have tons upon tons of cookie cutters and you are tired of rifling through drawers and boxes to find the ones that you need, just group them together by whatever order you choose and keep them in Ziploc bags.
Christmas designs for instance can be placed in one bag while Halloween or Easter designs are kept in another. Label the bags so that you know which one holds which cutters.
Via: Therosemaryhouse – Cookie Cutters – Organized
Store Wrapping Paper in a Garment Bag
A standard garment bag is great for storing rolls of wrapping paper. Instead of keeping that paper in a box where it can be smashed, just put the rolls in a garment bag and hang it in your coat closet or wherever you have room.
It takes up little space and will help to protect your paper from damage.
Via: Practicallymartha – DIY Wrapping Paper Holder
Store Craft Supplies in Ziploc Bags
Ziploc bags can be used for any number of organization solutions. If you have craft supplies that tend to get lost or in the way, just keep them in Ziploc bags. You can group certain items together.
For instance, keep your glue and glue sticks in one bag, colored pencils in one and so on. You can write on the bags what goes in each one and then just keep them all together in your desk drawer, a plastic tote or a basket.
Via: Babble – Organize Your Arts and Crafts Supplies with Ziploc Bags
Shoe Organizers Work Great for Storing Medicines
If you need to organize medicines, spices or anything else in relatively small containers, an over the door shoe organizer works great. For medicines, you can simply fill the compartments with medicine and then hang the organizer on your bathroom door.
If you need to keep spices organized, just put them in the slots and hang the organizer on your pantry door.
Via: Mommylikesdeals – How to organize medicine, spices, and more!
Mesh Bags Keep Puzzle Pieces Together
Organizing the playroom can be cheap, easy and fun. Zippered mesh bags are great for keeping puzzles pieces together and you can keep game pieces in Ziploc bags so that they don't get lost.
Finally, draw or print out labels that your child can color and use those labels on plastic bins to keep toys sorted.
Not only is this a cheap and effective way to organize, your child will love helping to make labels for toy bins.
Via: Madincrafts – More Playroom Organization
Traveling Organization
Organization is important even when you are traveling, particularly if you are traveling with kids. Mesh bags are cheap and work great for keeping certain clothing pieces together in the suitcase.
If you have kids, you can pack an outfit for each day inside the bag so they will have everything that they need to get dressed each morning already laid out for them.
Via: Simplehomemade – Simple packing: mesh daily clothes bag tutorial
Small Plastic Containers Keep Smaller Items Safe
Small plastic containers are great for organizing lots of things. Some are small enough to fit inside a desk drawer and are perfect for organizing office supplies.
You can also use them in the kitchen for keeping lots of smaller items from getting lost and in the bathroom for cotton swabs, bobby pins and loads of other smaller things.
Via: Realsimple – Easy Ways to Cut Clutter
Accordion Hooks for Organizing Jewelry
If you want a cheap, and very effective, way to organize jewelry, accordion hooks are a great choice.
You just attach them to the wall and then you can use them to keep necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry items organized.
They work great because they keep chains from becoming tangled and they look really nice on the wall. Plus, they are really inexpensive. Via: Adorableantics – CHEAP Dollar Store Jewelry Organizer!
Making and Organizing Cleaning Rags
Rags are not cheap. They can be however, if you make them yourself. Instead of buying rags for dusting and other tasks, just use old t-shirts.
Cut the shirts into the size that you need and to keep them all neat and tidy, hang up a cheap plastic trash can. You can purchase a small trash can for very little and then just cut a small hole in the bottom to dispense the rags
Via: Instructables – Making and Organizing Cleaning Rags
Organize Tool Supplies with Ice Cube Trays
Ice cube trays run about $1 for 3 and they make the perfect organization solution for tool boxes and tool supplies. You can keep screws, nails and loads of other small items in the compartments and they stack perfectly so they take up little space.
If you need to organize your smaller tool supplies, plastic ice cube trays are perfect.
Via: BHG – Storage Solutions for Every Little Thing
Store Jewelry in Ice Cube Trays
Jewelry can be stored in ice cube trays, which are very inexpensive. If you don't have a jewelry box or your jewelry box is overflowing, you can use plastic ice cube trays to keep jewelry pieces separated.
You can stack the trays in a drawer so they take up very little space and you can just lift out each tray to inspect it for the items that you need.
Via: Realsimple – Ice-Cube Tray as Jewelry Storage
Mounted Mason Jars Add Extra Storage
Mason jars are adorable storage containers and when you mount them to a piece of wood, they become a great bathroom organizer.
The jars themselves are very inexpensive and in order to mount them, you just need a piece of wood and a few large pipe clamps.
The clamps hold the jars perfectly in place so you get a unique and very functional organizing solution.
Mason Jars Hung from Cabinets
You can hang mason jars from the bottom of any cabinet easily. You just have to screw the lids into the underneath cabinet and then when you screw the jar back onto the lid, it will hang perfectly in place.
This is a great organization and storage solution for kitchens, garages or bathrooms.
You can keep spices, toiletries or anything you need in the jars and they store under the cabinet so they save space.
Via: Houzz – Get Organized: Easy DIY Mason Jar Storage
Empty Jars and Mod Podge for Office Organization
If you need organization for your desk and you love crafts, you can create beautiful jars with a little Mod Podge. You just need the Mod Podge, a few embellishments and some empty jars.
The supplies will cost very little and give you enough to do multiple jars so if you need organization in the bathroom or any other room, you should have plenty left to do those rooms as well.
Via: Modpodgerocksblog – Recycled Mod Podge jars for your desk.
Keep Change Organized with Plastic Food Containers
Small plastic food containers with lids make the perfect solution for keeping loose change organized. You can easily cut a slot into the top of the container and then label each one for the coin that is going into it.
You can keep a container for pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters and then just roll them up when they become full.
This is a great way to get the kids involved in saving and to teach them how to differentiate between coins.
Via: bhg – Financial Planning
Command Strips Are Great for Keys and Sunglasses
If you want instant organization, Command strips are a must. You can hang the strips virtually anywhere and they will enable you to keep a number of things perfectly organized.
They are great for hanging keys and sunglasses so they are always near the door when you get ready to leave or use them to keep hair accessories, cords or anything else neatly in place.
Via: Todoimmeasurablymore – Organization on Command
Handy Scarf Organizer from Shower Rings
If you have multiple scarves and you need a good (and cheap) way to organize them, simply take a plastic hanger and add curtain rings. You can get plastic shower curtain rings for around a dollar or so.
Just open them up enough to get them on a hanger and then place your scarves through the rings. Hang your organizer in the closet or wherever you want.
Via: Ftdofsmcp – Pinterest Project: Scarf Organization
Pin Cushion and Sewing Storage from Mason Jars
Did you know you can make a pin cushion from a mason jar? Well, you can and it s easy to do. You can then store your sewing pins and keep them organized.
Actually, you can make the pin cushion on top and then keep buttons, thread or anything else you need to store inside the jar.
Make multiples if you have loads of sewing supplies.
Via: Theandersoncrewblog – DIY cute mason jars
Organize Measuring Spoons Inside the Cabinet Door
You can use command hooks to organize the measuring spoons and cups in your kitchen.
Just attach the plastic hooks to the inside of a cabinet door and you have a great place to keep those items without them taking up drawer room.
If you really want to be creative, add a strip that labels each hook and maybe a conversion chart for recipes.
Via: Ishouldbemoppingthefloor – Dollar Store Kitchen Organization
Shower Curtain Rings for Storing Ponytail Holders
Elastic ponytail holders can really be a pain to store. They can take up so much room in a drawer and they get lost really easily. You can store them better on shower curtain rings.
The ponytail holders will slip perfectly inside the shower curtain ring and you can group them together by color to keep them very well organized.
Once you have them all together, just hang them from plastic hooks or put them back in a drawer.
Via: Shadytreediary – {Hairbands Unite!}
Get Your Preschooler Organized
Organization for preschoolers is not nearly as difficult as it sounds. With just a few supplies, you can get your young one very organized which makes it much easier to get off to school each day.
Things like baskets for schoolwork and school supplies for the day make it much easier to get out the door each morning.
Via: Activity-mom – Organizing for Your Preschooler
Silverware Organizers for Jewelry
If you need a good jewelry organizer for your daughter's room, colorful silverware organizers are cheap and work really well.
You just have to mount 2 or 3 on the wall and then add clear plastic hooks to the longer sections for holding necklaces and bracelets.
Multiple colors will look great and you can help your child to keep her jewelry neat and organized all the time.
Via: Tatertotsandjello – Colorful Jewelry Organizers from Silverware Trays
Organize Ribbon with a Shower Caddy
Keeping ribbons organized is not difficult, if you have the right supplies. A wire shower caddy works great for organizing and displaying wrapping ribbons.
You can also keep loose ribbon in decorative jars or place wooden dowels inside small cardboard or plastic containers and keep your spools on there.
There are a number of ways to organize your ribbon, you just have to choose one.
Via: Houzz – Tackle a Tornado of Ribbons with Simple Storage Ideas
Create a Recycling Center in Your Kitchen
You can create a great recycling center in your pantry with just a couple of wire racks, a few baskets or buckets and a pegboard. You can put hooks in the pegboard to hold scissors and other supplies.
Label the buckets or baskets for cans, plastics, etc. and use the wire racks for newspapers and magazines.
Keeping everything separate makes it much easier to take it to the recycling center when you are ready.
Via: Homedepot – How to Organize Your Recycling
Baker's Twine Dispenser from a Sugar Jar
You can make your own dispenser for baker's twine and even ribbon with a sugar dispenser. These can be bought for around a dollar or so and are perfect for keeping twine ready to use.
Just run the end of the twine through the flap and it is ready whenever you need it.
These dispensers are really inexpensive and make the perfect dispenser for your twine.
Via: Whiskergraphics – Sweet {Divine} Twine Keeper
Spice Organization and Printables
If you want your spices to be a bit more organized, you can pick up small containers for about a dollar (this gives you 3 of them).
Just add your spices to the containers and then print out labels to keep them all looking good and so that you know which spice is in which jar.
Via: Thesocialhome – Dollar Store Spice Cupboard
Red Plastic Cups Keep Christmas Ornaments Safe
When it comes time to take down those Christmas decorations, you can keep them safe and organized by using cardboard and red plastic cups.
Just glue the cups to pieces of cardboard that will find inside your plastic storage totes.
This keeps all of your decorations organized and because you can stack two or three cups on top of each other, you can store more in your container.
Via: Momspartycafe – Savvy Tip: Putting Christmas Away
Get Your Pantry Organized
If you want your pantry to look perfectly organized, glass jars and contact paper are great choices.
You can store dry goods in the jars and use contact paper to create beautiful labels so that you know what you have in each jar.
If you need to change what you are putting in the jars, contact paper is relatively cheap so you can just peel it off and add a new label.
Via: Creativegreenliving – Organize Your Pantry with Glass Jars and Contact Paper (plus free printable!)
Store Batteries in a Plastic Tackle Box
A small plastic tackle box makes the perfect battery station. The different compartments will enable you to keep batteries of different sizes separated and organized.
This allows you to keep all of those batteries together so you don t have to rummage through drawers looking for them when you need them.
Via: BHG – Batteries
Store Purses on Shower Hooks
Chances are you have little space for storing all of those purses that you own. If you have a little room in your closet, you can easily store them using shower curtain hooks.
Just run the handle of your purse through the hook and then hook them through the bottom of a wire shelf.
The top of the shelf gives you additional storage area as well. If you don t have room for another shelf, just hang the purses on their shower curtain hooks from the bottom of a hanger.
Via: Mommysavers – Purse organization (photos)
Organize Bobby Pins with a Pill Box
If you have a pill organizer, you have the perfect place to keep bobbins organized. You just place the bobbins inside the individual compartments and you will always have them safe and tidy.
When you need one, just pull it out and replace it with the one that you are removing from the sewing machine.
Via: Sewmanyways – Tool Time Tuesday…What's In Your Medicine Cabinet?
Store Buttons in a Pill Organizer
How many buttons do you have just thrown down in the bottom of your sewing basket? How about in a junk drawer?
You can better organize those buttons with a pill organizer. Just fill each compartment with buttons that are the same or similar (same color, size, etc.).
You can keep many different buttons in each organizer and you will always be able to find the one that you need.
Via: Sharoncheng – Organizing Small Embellishments
Shower Rack Mud Room Organizing
Shower racks and command hooks will help you to instantly transform your mud room into a clutter-free zone.
Just use the hooks for hanging up coats and you can use shower racks to keep hats and gloves in place. You could also use larger hooks if you want somewhere to hang shoes so that they can dry after being out in the rain or snow.
Via: Shabbynest – Making a Mudroom
Cheap and Easy Baseball Cap Hanger
If your husband tends to have many baseball caps and you want to keep them organized, all you need is a hanger and a few office clips and binder rings. Clip the bill of the cap and then run the clip through the binder ring.
Once you have all of the hats clipped, you can just add them to a hanger.
Via: Themommytimes – DIY Fitted Hat Rack Holder
Crayon Organization with Popsicle Trays
Stand-alone popsicle molds are great for keeping crayons organized by color. If your child doesn't particularly care if their colors are organized, you can also use the popsicle trays for just keeping them organized in general.
These trays are really inexpensive and perfect for keeping crayons and other items separated.
Via: Buzzfeed – Organize crayons by color with popsicle trays.
Burner Cover Memo Board
A memo board will help you to keep everything organized from your schedule to your menu. All you need to make one is a burner cover and a bit of imagination.
You can decorate it however you want and then add a ribbon to hang it. You could even go so far as to paint it with chalkboard paint so you can just jot down your memos with chalk.
Via: Madiganmade – Magnetic memo boards: made from the dollar store!
Plastic Cup Scarf Storage
Plastic cups from the Dollar Store are really cheap. You can usually get 3 or 4 for around a dollar.
You can use these cups to keep scarves, gloves and other items neatly organized. Just screw the cups together and affix them onto the wall with a wire hanger and then you have very unique shelves that will perfectly hold those scarves.
Via: Madiganmade – Easy Scarf Storage from Dollar Store Cups
Picture Frame Key Organizer
An old picture frame and a few small cup hooks can be turned into a great place to keep your keys organized. Just remove the glass from the frame and insert the hooks to hang your keys.
This not only keeps keys organized, it looks great and if you don't have a frame that matches your décor, they are really cheap.
You could even decorate the frame if you want to make it really unique.
Via: Redflycreations – Frame a Place to Hang Your Keys!
Organizing Fabric with Cardboard
If you tend to sew a lot, then you probably have loads of fabric sitting around. A great, and cheap, way to organize your fabric is to simply wrap it neatly around a piece of cardboard and then keep it in a plastic tote, basket or even a magazine holder.
Via: Thegirlinspired – Fabric Organization on the Cheap
Organizing with Pencil Boxes
Plastic pencil boxes are normally around a dollar each and during back to school days, you can pick them up even cheaper than that.
These little plastic boxes are perfect for keeping sewing supplies, makeup brushes and other items organized and you can stack them so save even more space.
Via: Thehappyhousewife – Organizing with Pencil Boxes
Storage and Seating
CIf you want the ultimate in organization, why not just build your own storage bench. That's really not as difficult as it sounds. You simply have to lay a bookshelf on its side, make a cushion for the top and add some really inexpensive baskets for storage. This is a very inexpensive way to get that window seat storage that you have always wanted. Via: Arizonafoothillsmagazine - Ikea transformacije za elegantne in organizirane otroške sobe
Plastic Bin Lego Storage
If your child loves Legos, chances are you have stepped on at least one. Instead of keeping them in the toy box or on the floor, give your child a special place for them.
Small plastic bins attached to the wall is great storage for smaller toys and will keep them better organized.
If you have room, put up bins for all of their toys and really get them organized.
Via: Happinessishomemade – Cheap & Easy LEGO Storage Organizer
Organizing the Mud Room
CIf you have an old dresser, you can use it to get your mud room perfectly organized. You don't actually need the drawers, just paint it and add some cheap baskets from the Dollar Store. Label the baskets with kids' names or clothing item so they know where everything goes.
Via: Inmyownstyle – Trash, The Dollar Store, and Me
Laundry Room Behind the Scenes Organizing
If you have solid cabinet doors in your laundry room, you can replace those doors with pegboard and use that pegboard for perfect organization.
Just get a few hooks and plastic containers from the dollar store and you can keep things stored right in the door to save space. All of your small brushes and other smaller items will have their own little container.
Via: bhg – Laundry Room Storage Projects
Ring Display from a Picture Frame
A cheap frame that you can get for less than a dollar can be turned into a beautiful ring display. You will need a frame that has multiple sections and a bit of fabric.
You just roll the fabric and stuff into the sections, about three rolls per compartment. This holds your rings and keeps them organized and it looks great hanging on the wall.
Via: Tearosehome – Tutorial/How I Turned a Dollar Store Find to a Ring Display Case
Organizing Dresser Drawers
You can find loads of cheap ways to organize your dresser drawers. While they make organizers, these can be a bit expensive. Canvas pop-up organizers are great and really cheap compared to some others.
You can also use small mesh bags to keep certain delicates separated and protected and to get your drawer completely organized.
Via: Mysocalledhome – Nursery: Dollar Store Finds
Wire Baskets for Organizing Produce
If you have potatoes and onions in your pantry that tend to roll everywhere, you can keep them organized better by simply storing them in wire baskets.
The baskets are really cheap and work great because they allow air into your produce so it will last longer. Plus, they just look really good in the pantry.
Via: Kitchenstreasures – It's Wednesday! Time to organize something that has been driving me crazy!!
Organizing Canned Foods
A few wire racks or baskets from the Dollar Store (that cost very little) will help you to perfectly organize the canned food in your pantry.
You can label the baskets so that you know what goes inside each one and then just lay cans down so that they stack. This saves space and makes it much easier for you to grab what you need.
Via: Myuncommonsliceofsuburbia – Organizing Canned Foods
Easy Pan Lid Organization with a Dish Drainer
To organize the lids to your pots and pans, you just need a very inexpensive dish drainer. These are normally under $5 each and are the perfect tool for keeping those pot and pan lids neat and tidy.
The slots in the drainer will ensure that lids stay put and makes them much easier to get to when you need them.
Via: Wadinginthewonderful – Kitchen Organization for Cheap!
Easy Coupon Organizer for Hands-Free Shopping
You can make a great organizer for your coupons using a file organizer and just a little hot glue and Velcro.
The great part is that you can take this organizer with you when you shop and it hooks over the handle of the cart so you don't have to hold your coupons and it makes it easier to find them when you need them.
Via: Dollarstorecrafts – Tutorial: Hands-Free Coupon Organizer
Crates for Toy Box Organization
If you have a large toy box or an ottoman that you keep toys in, you can decrease the clutter by adding a few plastic crates.
This helps you to keep those toys organized so you can sort them out and separate them by type or by child. This is a great and inexpensive way to keep toys organized.
Via: Buechlerbeat – Toy Box Organization
Toothbrush Organizer from a Silverware Holder
You can make a really useful toothbrush organizer from a silverware organizer. You just have to place it in your drawer and that's it.
You can write in the names for each of your household members so that they know where their toothbrush goes and if you have fewer than 5 people in your house, you will also have a slot for the toothpaste.
Via: Cinnaberry-suite – Toothbrush Organizer
Organize Playing Cards with Soap Boxes
Those little plastic soap boxes that you can get for less than a buck at any Dollar Store will make a great storage container for your playing cards.
They also work well to keep crayons and other smaller toys organized. And, because they are so small, you can store them in dresser drawers or small baskets for even more organization.
Via: Shadytreediary – {Soap Box Organizers}
Organize Tiny Toys with Pill Dispensers
Small toys, like those micro cars and tiny dolls, can get lost really quickly. A simple pill dispenser will keep them organized and ensure that they don't get lost.
The pill dispenser works great and is the perfect size for most smaller toys. Plus, it's pretty small itself so you can have several of them stacked up and save space.
Via: Organizedchaosonline – Use Pill Organizer to Store Mini Cars
Organizing Boots in the Closet with Foam Noodles
Noodles make great boot fillers. You know, those foam noodles that the Dollar Store sells during the summer.
Well, they cost around a dollar each and you can cut them to perfectly fit into the tops of your boots. This will hold those boots up and help you to better organize your closet space.
Via: Rethinkborders – Closet Organization: Cheap DIY Boot Fillers
Popcorn Box Organizers
The Dollar Tree and Dollar Store sell plastic popcorn boxes that are really cute and can be used for a number of organizing projects.
You can attach a ribbon to the back and hang them anywhere so you have organization wherever you need it. Labeling them is also a great idea and because they are so inexpensive, you can use several of them to get the job done.
Via: Dollarstorecrafts – Make Printable Popcorn Box Organizers
Sippy Cup Organization
If you are a mom or a grandma, you likely have many sippy cups and lids in your kitchen. The problem comes when you can't find the right lid for the sippy cup in your hand.
Some inexpensive plastic baskets from the dollar store can help. You just keep the cups in one basket and the lids in another so that you can always find what you need.
Via: Delightfulorder – Organizing the Sippy Cup Drawer
Buckets for Craft Organization
If your child has several pencils, crayons and other craft related items in their room, you can use small buckets to clean up that clutter.
The buckets are really cheap and come in a wide range of colors. If you put up a few plastic hooks, you can hang the buckets on the wall and keep those pencils and crayons off the floor.
Via: Therewasacrookedhouse – Storing Kids' Pens
Dry Erase Board for Family Organization
Dry erase boards are great for keeping the family notified of certain things. You can use them for your grocery shopping list, to keep track of appointments or just to leave the family a little note each morning.
You can make a really nice and cheap one using a standard picture frame and a little fabric.
Via: Sewlux – Get Organized
Quilt Piece Organization with a Cookie Sheet
If you quilt, then you may need organization for those quilting projects. A few cookie sheets (that cost about a dollar at the Dollar Store) will work nicely.
Just arrange the pieces on the cookie sheet and then stack the sheets so that your quilting projects are always right there when you are ready for them.
Via: Modabakeshop – Today's Tip: Organized Piecing
Foam Door Hangers for Closet Organization
Foam door hangers make great separators in your closet. You can also use them to keep your little ones organized throughout the week.
Just hang their outfits for specific days together and place a foam hanger with the name of that day written in sharpie.
This way, they know what they are wearing for every day of the week which saves time getting them out the door in the morning.
Via: Thehometeacher – DIY Days of the Week Clothing Organizers
Organizing Outdoor Play
A few plastic baskets, hooks and a label or two will give you the perfect way to organize your outdoor toys.
Hang baskets off your porch or deck and label them with what goes inside. Hang them low enough so that your children can reach them and they can learn how to clean up and organize a bit themselves.
Via: Momnivores-dilemma – Organizing Outdoor Play
Organize Your Road Trips
You can pick up a small utensil holder that goes along with picnic supplies and use that to keep snacks organized when you are on the road.
The compartments are great for crackers, string cheese and other snack foods and the holder can be passed around from child to child without having to rifle through bags and boxes.
You could even stick some wet-naps in there for cleanup after their snack.
Via: Theharrissisters – Mess Maker, Mess Maker Make me a Mess!
Art Storage for Kids Rooms
A few plastic cups and a muffin tin make great, and cheap, organization solutions. You just have to put art supplies in the cups and use the muffin tin to keep them neat.
This is a great way to keep scissors, crayons and other art supplies off the floor and out of the toy box and it looks really cute so your kids will love it.
Via: Babyclip – Affordable & Clever Storage Organization for Kids Rooms
Tool Belt and Bucket to Organize Craft Supplies
A simple plastic mop bucket and a tool belt are all you need for great craft supply organization.
You just hang the belt around the bucket and use the slots for crayons, paints, brushes and other items.
The bucket is great for holding larger items like coloring books, paper and even a small easel.
Magnetic Toy Storage
Kids love magnetic toys but unfortunately, they can get lost pretty easily.
A couple of pizza pans and some paint and you can have a great organized place to keep those magnets without spending a fortune.
Paint them whatever color you want and then attach them to the wall with screws. This will keep those little magnetic toys in their place.
Via: Dollarstorecrafts – Tutorial: Magnetic Toy Storage with Pizza Pans
Organize Cake Decorating
If you love decorating your own cakes and you tend to use multiple colors of icing, a great way to keep those bags organized is to use a popsicle tray.
These are very cheap and the perfect size for icing bags. Just drop the bag into a compartment and leave it until you need it again.
You may want to stick a piece of paper towel or rag into the compartment first to ensure easy cleanup.
Via: sweetsugarbelle – Organize Cake Decorating
Bathroom Storage with Plastic Cups
Plastic cups, that you can get for about 30 cents each, are great for keeping bathroom hair supplies organized.
You can just use Velcro to mount the cups to the inside of your cabinet door and they will hold your curling or straightening iron along with other items.
You can get multiple sizes to store different things and keep your whole bathroom organized.
Via: Plumdoodles – Cheap & Easy Bathroom Storage Solution
Ribbon Jar Organization
Instead of leaving ribbon lying in a drawer, why not give it its own little space. A jar and a few old fashioned clothespins make the perfect organization for those spare ribbons.
Just wind up the ribbon onto a clothespin and then store the rolls in a jar. You can use smaller jars and store the ribbon by color as well, if you want.
Via: Nicholeheady – Ribbon Jar
What's a better way to keep those hair styling tools neat and tidy than with a file folder.
You can pick these up for a little of nothing and when you mount them to the inside of your bathroom cabinet door, they make the perfect spot to keep blow dryers, curling irons and straighteners.
Via: Beautyriot – Hair Tool File Folder
Fabric Organization that Hangs
A wire cooling rack and a hanger make the perfect combination for keeping fabrics organized. If you tend to quilt or sew, you probably have loads of fabric piled up.
Using a coat hanger and a cooling rack, you can create a place to hang that fabric so it stays organized and neat until you need it.
Via: Love2dreamdoyou – Material Hangers
Cake Stand for Organizing Everything
A simple cake stand, some stove burner covers and a little glue gives you the materials needed to create a beautiful organization stand that you can use in any room.
This is great for keeping fruits and veggies organized or you can use it on the bathroom counter for makeup or jewelry. It is very versatile, takes little time and money to make and is great for organizing the home.
Via: Thelittlebrownhouse – Frugal Friday – Dollar Store Cake Stand
Earring Organization with a Cheese Grater
If you are looking for an effective and unique way to get your earrings organized, you can use a cheese grater.
The holes in the grater are perfect for inserting earrings and you can paint it whatever color you want to match your current décor.
This is a whimsical yet functional use for an ordinary cheese grater.
Via: Misscheekychic – A Place for Everything…
Organize Your Herb Garden
A hanging shoe organizer is a great choice to keep your herb garden organized. If you have little space for a traditional herb garden, this is the perfect way to grow your own herbs without worries of land and space.
Just fill in the compartments with potting soil and your herbs and label them. You could even use this indoors during the winter so you can have fresh herbs all year long.
Via: Curbly – How to turn a hanging pocket shoe organizer into a vertical garden.
Organizing Flip Flops
A simple slacks hanger will work to keep your flip flops organized. Just remove the cardboard rod at the bottom of the hanger and then bend the ends up just a bit so that your shoes will stay on while you hang them.
If you don't really have room on your closet rod, just add another tension rod lower to the floor to hang them.
Via: Snapguide – How to Organize Flip Flops. Cheap and Easy!
Spice Rack Nail Polish Organizer
You can pick up a really cheap metal spice rack at any Dollar Store and these are perfect for organizing your nail polish.
If you have too many for one rack, just hang them side by side to make it look like a huge organization center. You can even stand them on a countertop if you don't have enough wall space.
Via: Lizmarieblog – Makeup organization {Part 3}
Homeschool Supplies Organization
Organizing your homeschool supplies is easy. You need a dish rack and that's about it. The rack will hold books and folders neatly and the small silverware compartment is perfect for keeping pens and pencils organized.
Whether you homeschool or not, this is a great way to keep school supplies organized.
Via: Daybydayhsing – Easy and Cheap Homeschool Organization
Under The Bed Storage
If you have space underneath the bed, this is the perfect place to keep canvas baskets.
You can place loads of things in the baskets like shoes, seasonal clothing and other items and then just pull them out as you need them.
This is a great idea for kids rooms to keep toys and books organized. Via: Homehappyhome – Diy underbed storage
Curtain Rods to Organize Pan Lids
If you need to keep the lids to your pots and pans organized and you have little cabinet space available, you can just attach a curtain rod to the inside of your cabinet door.
In fact, you can do two or three rods depending on the side of your cabinet. Pan lids will fit in and be held in place by their handles.
Via: Cornerstoneconfessions – Cheap Pots and Pans Organization
Hanging Pan Organization
A great way to keep pots and pans neat and tidy is to use command hooks and just hang them up. You can hang them inside cabinets by just applying the hooks to the inside of your cabinet walls.
This is great for taller cabinets and lets you keep pans where you can find them easily.
Via: Cornerstoneconfessions – Pan organization
Push Pin Cable Organization
Keeping cables and cords off the floor makes the whole room look a bit more organized. If you have a few cables that you don't use all the time but you want to keep them handy, just use a push pin to hold a binder clip to the inside of your closet door or just anywhere you want to keep them.
The clip will hold your cords and cables and keep them from getting lost.
Via: Seesaw – HOW TO: cheap and easy way to organize small cables for mobile devices and games.
Organize Craft Supplies for Trips
A simple pencil box or craft box will work to keep arts and crafts supplies during long trips. You can fit crayons and other items into the plastic box and even throw in a few papers for drawing.
This ensures that your child can easily get to their things when they want and keeps them tidy and off the car floor.
Via: Notimeforflashcards – Travel Solutions For Kids Craft Box